Saturn takes 10759 days to go round.
One day on Saturn is approximately 10.7 hours. Saturn has a fast rotation speed, leading to shorter days compared to Earth's 24-hour day.
One Saturn day is approximately 10.7 Earth hours, so about 0.45 Earth days.
One day on Saturn is equivalent to about 10.7 Earth hours. Saturn has a fast rotation period, which makes its day shorter compared to Earth's 24-hour day.
Saturn takes 10,832 Earth days (29.66 Earth years) to go around the Sun once. Since one day on Saturn is 10.656 hours long, it takes 24,396 Saturnian days for Saturn to go around the sun once.
approximate number of schools in India these days
Each planets has a different length of time it takes to make a full rotation. The approximate lengths are: Mercury: 58 days, Venus: 243 days, Earth: 24 hours, Mars: 24 hours, Jupiter: 10 hours, Saturn: 11 hours, Uranus: 17 hours and Neptune: 16 hours.
Because Saturn spins faster than Earth.
Saturn takes 10759 days to go round.
10.233 earth hours
If we approximate a day to 24 hours then 364 hours = 364/24 = 15 1/6 days.
10 hours 40 minutes.
You can approximate your age in seconds by multiplying the number of years old you are by 365 days, by 24 hours, by 60 minutes, and by 60 seconds.
Saturn's orbit around the Sun takes approximately 29.5 Earth years. It completes one rotation on its axis in about 10.7 hours, making it one of the fastest rotating planets in our solar system.
There are twenty four (24) hours in a day. To get the number of hours in eight days, multiply the number of hours in a day by the total number of days; 24 * 8 = 192 hours.
0.44401 days.