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The abbreviation for Eryhtrocyte is Erc

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9mo ago

The abbreviation for erythrocyte is RBC, which stands for red blood cell.

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What does the abbreviation ESR mean?

Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate

What does the medical abbreviation ESR mean?

ESR stands for erythrocyte sedimentation rate. It is a blood test that measures the rate at which red blood cells settle in a test tube over a certain period of time, which can indicate the presence of inflammation in the body.

Red blood cells are also known as?

red blood cells are also called erythrocytes

What measure determines the average size of an erythrocyte?

The mean corpuscular volume is the measure that determines the average size of an erythrocyte. The erythrocyte is what is commonly known as red blood cells.

Does carbon dioxide and bicarbonate anions move in the same direction across the plasma membrane of an erythrocyte?

Carbon dioxide enters the erythrocyte and reacts with water to form bicarbonate ions, which then exit the erythrocyte. So, they move in opposite directions across the plasma membrane of an erythrocyte.

What is the medical terminology for a red blood cell?

The medical terminology for a red blood cell is erythrocyte.

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The importance of hemoglobin for erythrocyte function is that it gives them oxygen carrying abilities. Without hemoglobin, the erythrocyte would be unable to carry and transport oxygen where it needs to go.

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Where does erythrocyte came from?

Bone marrow

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Is a erythrocyte a white blood cells?

no i know this because an erythrocyte is a red blood cell. reference merriam webster dictionary . com

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what happens if erythrocyte sedimentation rate is 97 in a woman of 36 yrs