I see you are asking "What is darier-white disease?"
Darier disease, also known as Darier-White disease, keratosis follicularis, or dyskeratosis follicularis (MIM #124200), is a rare autosomal dominant genodermatosis characterized by a persistent eruption of red-brown, keratotic papules scattered to confluent in a seborrheic distribution, nail abnormalities, pitting of ...
For more information, you can visit this URL - skincarehealthcenter. com/condition/darier-white-disease/c/9224
Supratentorial white matter disease refers to abnormalities or damage affecting the white matter in the cerebrum (the largest part of the brain located above the tentorium cerebelli). This condition can lead to various neurological symptoms depending on the extent and location of the damage, such as difficulties with cognition, motor function, or sensory processing.
Hyperintense signals in the bifrontal subcortical white matter on MRI can indicate various conditions such as small vessel ischemic disease, demyelination, or inflammation. Further evaluation and clinical correlation are necessary to determine the underlying cause.
Yes, gray matter is located deep to white matter in the brain. Gray matter contains nerve cell bodies, while white matter consists of nerve fibers that connect different parts of the brain.
White blood disease is an old name for leukemia. There are many more white blood cells than there should be.
The pyramids are made of limestone blocks with a white exterior. Over time, the blocks have weathered and appear more gray in certain areas.
AIDS dementia is a disease that destorys the white matter of the brain
Binswanger disease is a rare form of progressive dementia that develops after age 60 and involves degeneration of the brain's white matter.
Leghorns, no matter the color, can get any disease that any other chicken can get.
yes it is possible. it is a rare condition called condermitiosis or white blood disease. It is a fatal virus that will cause red blood cells to turn white and be pumped out through the digestive system. AKA white fecal matter.
This phrase is a statement that would be used by a radiologist when reviewing the results from a MRI. Breaking down the phrase by individual parts:T2 - An indication of the type of scan that was done. In a T2-weighted scan, areas that are fluid-filled appear bright, while areas that are fatty appear dark. A T1 scan would show the opposite results.Hyperintensity - An indication of a bright region on the scan.Foci of T2 Hyperintensity, therefore, means "focal points, or concise areas, of very bright spots."Subcortical and periventricular white matter - These are locations within the brain. Regions of the brain are categorized by color (white matter or grey matter) and location (cortical, or related to the cortex, subcortical, or below the cortex, etc).The statement, therefore, means "white spots on a MRI scan at certain locations within the brain."This statement alone does not indicate any particular disease is present. It is a piece of information that a neurologist would use to help determine whether or not someone had a certain disease or condition. There are many conditions or diseases which can cause white spots on the brain; only a neurologist can sort through the possibilities and determine what caused these white spots.
This results in the destruction of the white matter of the brain and nervous system and causes the symptoms of Canavan disease
Canavan disease is sometimes called spongy degeneration of the brain since it is characterized by a sponginess or swelling of the brain cells and a destruction of the white matter of the brain
my husband has t2 intense foci in the subcortical white matter in the frontal and parietal reigon these are compatible with foci of chronic ischaemic change the finding is related to small vessel disease his mood swings are getting worse would this disease be a part of mood swings.
Gray matter is a normal part of the brain, not a disease.
It is superficial to the white matter.