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Superstitious belief of Korea about comet is that comet will be seen in the sky on June 15, 2019. According to the old belief, people believe that seeing a comet means it's time for them to die or something bad will happen to them.

But today, it has become popular among Korean people that there is no need to worry because this superstition of Korea about comet can only be seen once every few hundred years and therefore nothing serious will happen.

However, even if you don't believe in this superstition of Korea about comet I would suggest you do not forget your passport or any important documents when you go out on June 15th because by then people may think they are going crazy!

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Q: What is superstitious belief of Korea about comet?
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What is the scientific explanation of comet's superstitious belief?

The superstitious belief surrounding comets stems from historical misconceptions and fear of the unknown. Before the scientific understanding of comets, they were often seen as omens or harbingers of doom due to their unpredictable appearance in the sky. However, today we know that comets are simply icy bodies that orbit the Sun, and their appearance is a natural occurrence with no supernatural significance.

What is the name of one comet myth?

One comet myth is the belief that comets were seen as omens of great events, such as wars or natural disasters, in various ancient cultures.

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One common superstitious belief about tides is that they are influenced by the lunar cycle and can affect human emotions or behavior. Some people also believe that certain phases of the tide can bring good or bad luck, depending on the circumstances.

What are some superstitious belief about asteroid?

Some superstitious beliefs about asteroids include seeing them as omens of impending doom or catastrophic events, as symbols of change or transformation, and as signs of the need for reflection and personal growth. These beliefs are not supported by scientific evidence.

Five superstitious belief about comets?

Comets are often seen as harbingers of doom, signaling upcoming disasters or significant events. Some people believe that a comet passing through the night sky may bring about personal misfortune or bad luck. Ancient cultures considered comets to be omens of war or the death of a ruler. There is a superstition that making a wish upon a comet can bring good luck or make the wish come true. In some cultures, comets are thought to disrupt the natural order and bring chaos or upheaval to society.

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