If you didn't mean
"If you mean in Einstein's famous equation E=MC2, C is the Constant (i.e. the speed of light) because the other variable, Mass changes as velocity approaches the speed of light (186,000 miles/second). If you mean in NC then its (North) Carolina!"
Then you were probably asking about the programming language c
If not, maybe C++? If so, search for, "What is C Plus Plus?"
If you weren't asking any of those, then you were probably asking about the third letter in the English alphabet. This letter is, wait for it, C!
C is considered special because it is a versatile and efficient programming language that has a simple syntax, allowing for low-level manipulation of memory and hardware. Many modern programming languages are rooted in C, making it a foundational language for software development, system programming, and embedded systems. Additionally, C is known for its portability and ability to directly interact with hardware, making it indispensable in fields such as operating systems and device drivers.
The length of a linear continuous chain of 18 carbon atoms would be approximately 22.5 nanometers. Each carbon-carbon bond has a length of about 0.154 nanometers, and with 17 bonds between 18 carbon atoms, the total length would be approximately 22.5 nanometers.
because santer lives there
C shaped so that it can expand
The C in Vitamin C came from the name of the person who first discovered it: CharlieVitamin C is also known as L-ascorbic acid or L-ascorbate...The person responsibile for identifying vitamin C wasAlbert Szent-Györgyi, so vitamin C did not come from his name.
yes. They are so small you have to use a special microscope to see them!!
special character in c language are as follows~ ' ! @ # % ^ & * () _ - + = | \ {} [] : ; " <> , . ? /
special is spelled s-p-e-c-i-a-l and there is only one 'e' and it is in between the 'p' and the 'c'
The usual C datatypes, nothing special.
254 - a class C subnet uses 8 bits for the hosts and 0 and 255 are reserved.
no sharps or flats
%%c %%D %%DIA c%%
He was a difficult individual so he needed special attention.He was a difficult individual so he needed special attention.He was a difficult individual so he needed special attention.He was a difficult individual so he needed special attention.He was a difficult individual so he needed special attention.He was a difficult individual so he needed special attention.He was a difficult individual so he needed special attention.He was a difficult individual so he needed special attention.He was a difficult individual so he needed special attention.He was a difficult individual so he needed special attention.He was a difficult individual so he needed special attention.
because is so special
C. I. Bliss has written: 'The statistics of bioassay with special reference to the vitamins'
Dynamic memory allocation