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The red litmus paper will turn blue.

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1w ago

The result would be that the white ash of magnesium ribbon reacts with water to form magnesium hydroxide, which will turn the red litmus paper blue due to the basic nature of the resulting solution.

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Q: What is result if a piece of magnesium ribbon burn and place the white ash in 5ml of water in a test tube with a red litmus paper?
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What is the result when magnesium oxide is tested with red litmus paper?

When magnesium oxide is tested with red litmus paper, there will be no observable change because magnesium oxide is a neutral substance. It does not exhibit any acidic or basic properties that would cause a color change in the red litmus paper.

What colour does moist red litmus paper turn in magnesium oxide?

Moist red litmus paper will turn blue when exposed to magnesium oxide because magnesium oxide is a basic compound. The red litmus paper will change color to blue to indicate the presence of a base.

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Burnt Magnesium ribbon ----> MgO (magnesium oxide)(basic in nature) When added to water, it forms its hydroxide MgO+H2O ----> Mg(OH)2 (which is a base) when added to litmus paper or litmus will give a light blue colour

What is the color of litmus paper in magnesium hidroxide?

Red litmus become blue in basic conditions.

What happens when magnesuim hydroxide is added to litmus paper?

When magnesium hydroxide is added to litmus paper, the litmus paper will turn blue. This is because magnesium hydroxide is a base and has a pH greater than 7. Litmus paper is an indicator that changes color in response to the acidity or alkalinity of a solution.

What is the change of colour of litmus paper when magnesium is burnt in air?

The litmus paper will turn red in the presence of magnesium oxide formed when magnesium is burnt in air. Magnesium reacts with oxygen to form magnesium oxide, which is a basic substance that turns red litmus paper blue.

When magnesium is reacted with water why does it turn the litmus paper blue?

Red litmus paper turns blue in basic conditions. the reaction of magnesium with water produces Magnesium Oxide and Hydrogen. Magnesium Oxide (Mg(OH)2) dissolves in water to form an alkaline solution. (Alkalines are a type of base)

Is magnesium ribbon pure?

Magnesium ribbon is typically 99.9% pure and is commonly used in chemical experiments and demonstrations. The purity level ensures consistent results in reactions and studies involving magnesium.

What happen if Get a piece of magnesium ribbon and remove the tarnish with sand paper?


What color litmus paper is used to test acids?

Red litmus paper is used to test for acids. If the red litmus paper turns blue when dipped in a substance, it indicates the presence of an acid.

What color does blue litmus paper turn in the presence of a base?

Blue litmus paper will remain blue in the presence of a base. There wouldn't be any change. Red litmus paper, though, will turn blue. Just remember than the result is red in acids, and blue in bases.

What color litmus paper measures acidity?

Red litmus paper turns blue in the presence of a base, while it stays red in the presence of an acid.