Photomicroscopy: is the art and science of taking photographs using a microscope to visualize an unseen world. Also known as Photomicrography and a Photomicrograph.
A photomicrograph is an image that is taken through a microscope to visualize objects that are too small to be seen by the naked eye. This technique is commonly used in fields such as Biology, medicine, and material science to study microscopic structures and organisms. The image produced is often magnified to allow for detailed observations.
The small bumps shown in the photomicrograph are likely to be cellular protrusions called microvilli. Microvilli are found on the surface of some epithelial cells and serve to increase their surface area for absorption and secretion of substances.
Solomon Carter Fuller, Jr. invented photomicrograph. This is the process of taking photographs of forensic and pathology slides through the lens of a microscope.
A photograph of a specimen taken through a compound light microscope is called a photomicrograph.
A karyotype is the complete set of chromosomes in an individual's cells, typically arranged and displayed in a systematic manner to show their number, size, and shape. It is used to identify chromosomal abnormalities or genetic disorders.
A contraction of Photograph.
Photography is based on light, which modifies the chemistry of film (or the electrical state of an electronic sensor) in much the same way that light affects the cells in the retinas of our eyes. The end result is a pattern or image that resembles what we saw.A successful image combines several characteristics.First, the exposuremust be correct. This means that the overall picture is neither too dark nor too light. There should be details in both the highlights and in the shadows. Whites should be white, and blacks black.Second, the picture must be sharp. This means good resolution of at least the main subject. There must also be sufficient depth of field,which means that important subjects close to the camera and further away from it are all in sharp focus.Third, the image must be aesthetically pleasing. For scientific imagery, aesthetics must include the ability of the image to convey the essential information to the viewer, as well as simply being pleasing to the eye. Aesthetics involves artistic judgment as well as pictorial accuracy; it includes composition, cropping, balance, color, and so on.Let's discuss these 3 elements separately, starting with exposureA photomicrograph-which is what I think you are asking about-is a photograph taken through a microscope.
A medical record is a record that includes a variety of notes entered by healthcare professionals. These notes may include the timing of administration of drugs to a patient, orders for therapy, x-rays, and test results. Medical records also allow several health care providers to communicate between one another when dealing with the same patient. These records must remain confidential to protect a patient's right to privacy.
phaeton. phagocyte. phagocytic. phagocytosis. phagosome. phalange. phalangeal. phalanger. phalanstery. phalanx. phalarope. phanerogam. phanerogamic. phanerogamous. phanotron. phantasm. phantasmagoria. phantasmagoric.phi. phial. philander. philanderer. philanthropic. philanthropically. philanthropist. philanthropy. philatelic. philatelist. philately. philharmonic. philhellene. philhellenic. philhellenism. philhellenist. philippic. philistine. philistinism. phillumenist. phillumeny. philodendron. philological. philologist. philology. philoprogenitive. philosophic. philosophical. philosophize. philosophy. philter.phlebitic. phlebitis. phlebology. phlebotomy. phlegm. phlegmatic. phlegmatical. phloem. phlogistic. phlogiston. phlox.phobia. phoebe. phoenician. phon. phonate. phonation. phone. phoneme. phonemic. phonemically. phonemics. phonetic. phonetically. phonetician. phoneticist. phonetics. phonetist. phonic. phonics. phonoangiography. phonocardiogram. phonocardiograph. phonocardiography. phonogram. phonograph. phonographic. phonographically. phonography. phonolitic. phonolitically. phonologic. phonological. phonologist. phonology. phonons. phonophotography. phonopsia. phonotactics. phony. phorate. phosgene. phosgenite. phosphamidon. phosphatase. phosphate. phosphatic. phosphatide. phosphene. phosphide. phosphine. phosphite. phosphofructokinase. phospholipid. phosphoprotein. phosphor. phosphoresce. phosphorescence. phosphorescent. phosphoreted. phosphoric. phosphoric. phosphorism. phosphorous. phosphorus. phosphureted. phot. photic. photo. photoautotroph. photobiology. photobiotic. photobiologist. photobotany. photocell. photochemical. photochemistry. photochromatic. photochromism. photochromic. photochronograph. photocoagulation. photocoagulative. photocoagulator. photoconductive. photoconductivity. photocopier. photocopy. photocube. photocurrent. photodetector. photodosimetry. photodynamic. photoelastic. photoelasticity. photoelectric. photoelectricity. photoelectron. photoemission. photoemissive. photoengrave. photoengraver. photoengraving. photoessay. photofabrication. photofission. photoflash. photoflood. photogenic. photogrammetry. photograph. photographer. photographic. photographically. photography. photogravure. photokinesis. photokinetic. photolitho. photolithograph. photolithographic..photolysis. photomap. photomechanical. photomechanically. photometer. photometric. photometry. photomicrograph. photomicrography. photomicroscopy. photomultiplier. photon., photoperiod. photoperiodic. photoperiodically. photoperiodicity. photoperiodism. photophile. photophilic. photophilous. photophily. photophobia. photopigment. photopolarimeter. photopolymer. photoprint. photorealism. photorealist. photoresist. photoscan. photoscanner. photosensitive. photosensitivity. photosensor. photosphere. photostage. photostat. photostatic. photosynthesis. phototaxis. phototaxy. phototelegraph. phototelegraphic. phototelegraphy. phototonus. phototransistor. phototroph. phototrophic. phototropic. phototropism. phototube. phototypographic. phototypograpical. phototypography. photovoltage. photovoltaic.phrasal. phrase. phraseogram. phraseograph. phraseological. phraseology. phrasing. phratry. phrenic. phrenological. phrenologist. phrenology.phthalein. phthalic. phthisic. phthisical. phthisis.phut.phycology. phycomycete. phycomycetous. phylactery. phyle. phyletic. phylloclad. phylloclade. phyllode. phylotaxis. phyllotaxy. phylloxera. phylogenesis. phylogeny. phylon. phylum. physic. physical. physician. physicist. physicochemical. physics. physiocrat. physiognomic. physiognomy. physiographer. physiographic. physiographical. physiologist. physiology. physiotherapist. physiotherapy. physique. physostigmine. physostomous. phytane. phytogenesis. phytogenetic. phytogenic. phytogeny. phytogeography. phytography. phytopathology. phytophagous. phytosterol. phytotron.Philip Philipines Phinias
hieroglyph, lithograph, auxotroph, sph, optigraph, idiograph, spectrograph, chorograph, seminymph, dimorph, lymph, staph, radiophotograph, pictograph, tetramorph, echocardiograph, macrograph, glyph, odograph, mechanograph, troph, galumph, aleph, hydrometrograph, autoradiograph, photograph, sonograph, digraph, nomograph, epitaph, ondograph, radiotelegraph, apograph, barometrograph, echoencephalograph, bolograph, actinograph, humph, multigraph, delph, microphotograph, autotroph, paleograph, monograph, anagraph, marigraph, melodiograph, phosph, magnetograph, chirograph, biograph, heterotroph, allomorph, triglyph, ph, electrograph, cardiograph, paranymph, perigraph, biotroph, skiagraph, cph, morph, chemotroph, chronograph, amph, polygraph, myocardiograph, lagomorph, stenograph, trigraph, tph, rotograph, meteorograph, barograph, qoph, rudolph, mesomorph, psychograph, photoheliograph, kmph, noematachograph, homograph, phonocardiograph, logograph, soph, choreograph, microbarograph, heliograph, rhizomorph, allograph, endomorph, sismograph, bibliotaph, sylph, oscillograph, gynandromorph, harrumph, hemolymph, karyolymph, autograph, mph, pph, thermograph, subgraph, electrocardiograph, pneumograph, pseudomorph, microradiograph, anemograph, hectograph, perspectograph, oncograph, nph, perimorph, hodograph, podoscaph, solenoglyph, seriph, asaph, sumph, ellipsograph, telautograph, helicograph, stethograph, cymograph, odontograph, acaleph, diagraph, gonoph, orograph, monotriglyph, hydrograph, phototroph, ballistocardiograph, selenograph, trimorph, pantelegraph, metallograph, spirograph, cinematograph, chromolithograph, ergograph, paramorph, dph, caliph, siggraph, pantamorph, seismograph, chemoautotroph, telegraph, antigraph, aroph, nadph, cenotaph, roentgenograph, paraph, iph, aph, anapnograph, tomograph, syngraph, bathythermograph, embryotroph, anaglyptograph, kymograph, psalmograph, viewgraph, myomorph, bibliograph, diaglyph, pyrograph, photomicrograph, pianograph, lph, hyetograph, kaliph, haemolymph, phonograph, photolithograph, umph, thermetograph, melograph, holograph, stathmograph, skeuomorph, shadowgraph, spectroheliograph, nymph, triumph, rph, cyclograph, hektograph, sciagraph, randolph, stylograph, morosoph, guelph, pseudograph, copygraph, cryptograph, amorph, telephotograph, bumph, pneumatograph, plethysmograph, eph, chromatograph, electroencephalograph, micropantograph, kph, hygrograph, enantiomorph, coronagraph, serigraph, calligraph, kaph, petroglyph, addressograph, isomorph, photoautotroph, zincograph, ideograph, hygrothermograph, keraunograph, coronograph, sulph, hyalograph, bph, logogriph, ralph, autochronograph, glyphograph, micrograph, oomph, scotograph, scenograph, myograph, metrograph, perilymph, xylograph, electromyograph, elliptograph, sphygmograph, noctograph, dynamograph, cardiosphygmograph, adolph, seraph, lithoglyph, aerometeorograph, galvanograph, prototroph, dactylioglyph, cerograph, spherograph, astrograph, papyrograph, arcograph, stereograph, toph, phonautograph, endolymph, anemometrograph, polymorph, anthropomorph, paragraph, tachograph, graph, ectomorph, joseph, barothermograph, oleograph, anaglyph, accelerograph, pantagraph, encephalograph, omnigraph, teraph, neomorph, pantograph, photozincograph, ceriph, radiograph, ceph, koph, thermometrograph, allelomorph, mimeograph, epigraph, phrenograph, bathyscaph, syph, eidograph, gulph
"The decision is for Allah only. He tells the truth and He is the Best of Deciders."[Qur'an, 6.57]"And whatsoever the Messenger gives you, take it. And whatsoever he forbids, abstain (from it). And keep your duty to Allah. Lo Allah is stern in reprisal."[Qur'an, 59.7]It is important to understand that the basis of good and bad is Divine: the good is what Allah has deemed good; the bad that which Allah has deemed bad. The role of the intellect regarding good and bad is to understand and fulfill the Divine Command.The second point to understand that all the Commands of Allah are for the ultimate good of humans. This good is either worldly or next-worldly, or both. Normally, the benefit of rulings is evident to all; sometimes, it is only evident to those of understanding. When the benefit or wisdom is not immediately evident, one believes that there is benefit, at least in the next life by fulfilling the command of Allah and eternal reward in the next life.Allah tells us:016.090 Lo Allah enjoins justice and kindness, and giving to kinsfolk, and forbids lewdness and abomination and wickedness. He exhorts you in order that you may take heed.The spirit of the Shariah with regards to needs and comforts is summed up in the Qur'an,"He has not placed any hardship for you in religion," (22: 87)And,"God does not seek to place a burden on you, but that He purify you and perfect His grace upon you, that you may give thanks." (5: 6)Women and GoldIt is permitted for women to adorn themselves with gold jewelry, "by scholarly consensus, because of rigorously authenticated (sahih) hadiths," as Imam Nawawi (Allah have mercy on him) states. [ al-Majmu`, 4.327, Muniriyya ed.]These include:The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) saying, "Gold and silk has been permitted for the women of my community (umma), and forbidden for its men." [Ahmad, Nasa'i, and Tirmidhi, who deemed it rigorously authenticated (sahih); this has been related in more than 8 chains of transmission, which confirm each other]Men and GoldThe Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) said, "Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should not wear silk or gold." [Ahmad, with a sound chain of narration]The Beloved of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) also said, "Whoever of my community dies wearing gold, Allah shall prevent them from wearing it in Paradise." [Tabarani]Ali (Allah be pleased with him) reported that, "The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) forbade gold rings." [Muslim, Tirmidhi, Abu Dawud, Nasa'i, Ibn Maja]The hadiths regarding the prohibition of gold for men are numerous. Imam Nawawi (Allah have mercy on him) transmits scholarly consensus ( ijma`) that it is prohibited for men to wear gold jewelry.Almighty Allah knows well..Islam isn't false your knowledge is false (questioner)I will tell you about some scientific miracles in Islam A) The Quran on Human Embryonic Development: In the Holy Quran, God speaks about the stages of man's embryonic development:We created man from an extract of clay. Then We made him as a drop in a place of settlement, firmly fixed. Then We made the drop into an alaqah (leech, suspended thing, and blood clot), then We made the alaqah into a mudghah (chewed substance)... 1 (Quran, 23:12-14)Literally, the Arabic word alaqah has three meanings: (1) leech, (2) suspended thing, and (3) blood clot.In comparing a leech to an embryo in the alaqah stage, we find similarity between the two2 as we can see in figure 1. Also, the embryo at this stage obtains nourishment from the blood of the mother, similar to the leech, which feeds on the blood of others.3Figure 1: Drawings illustrating the similarities in appearance between a leech and a human embryo at the alaqah stage. (Leech drawing from Human Development as Described in the Quran and Sunnah, Moore and others, p. 37, modified from Integrated Principles of Zoology, Hickman and others. Embryo drawing from The Developing Human, Moore and Persaud, 5th ed., p. 73.)The second meaning of the word alaqah is "suspended thing." This is what we can see in figures 2 and 3, the suspension of the embryo, during the alaqah stage, in the womb of the mother.Figure 2: We can see in this diagram the suspension of an embryo during the alaqah stage in the womb (uterus) of the mother. (The Developing Human, Moore and Persaud, 5th ed., p. 66.) (Click on the image to enlarge it.)Figure 3: In this photomicrograph, we can see the suspension of an embryo (marked B) during the alaqah stage (about 15 days old) in the womb of the mother. The actual size of the embryo is about 0.6 mm. (The Developing Human, Moore, 3rd ed., p. 66, from Histology, Leeson and Leeson.)The third meaning of the word alaqah is "blood clot." We find that the external appearance of the embryo and its sacs during the alaqah stage is similar to that of a blood clot. This is due to the presence of relatively large amounts of blood present in the embryo during this stage4 (see figure 4). Also during this stage, the blood in the embryo does not circulate until the end of the third week.5 Thus, the embryo at this stage is like a clot of blood.Figure 4: Diagram of the primitive cardiovascular system in an embryo during the alaqah stage. The external appearance of the embryo and its sacs is similar to that of a blood clot, due to the presence of relatively large amounts of blood present in the embryo. (The Developing Human, Moore, 5th ed., p. 65.) (Click on the image to enlarge it.)So the three meanings of the word alaqah correspond accurately to the descriptions of the embryo at the alaqah stage.The next stage mentioned in the verse is the mudghah stage. The Arabic word mudghah means "chewed substance." If one were to take a piece of gum and chew it in his or her mouth and then compare it with an embryo at the mudghah stage, we would conclude that the embryo at the mudghah stage acquires the appearance of a chewed substance. This is because of the somites at the back of the embryo that "somewhat resemble teethmarks in a chewed substance."6 (see figures 5 and 6).Figure 5: Photograph of an embryo at the mudghah stage (28 days old). The embryo at this stage acquires the appearance of a chewed substance, because the somites at the back of the embryo somewhat resemble teeth marks in a chewed substance. The actual size of the embryo is 4 mm. (The Developing Human, Moore and Persaud, 5th ed., p. 82, from Professor Hideo Nishimura, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan.)Figure 6: When comparing the appearance of an embryo at the mudghah stage with a piece of gum that has been chewed, we find similarity between the two.A) Drawing of an embryo at the mudghah stage. We can see here the somites at the back of the embryo that look like teeth marks. (The Developing Human, Moore and Persaud, 5th ed., p. 79.)B) Photograph of a piece of gum that has been chewed.(Click on the image to enlarge it.)How could Muhammad have possibly known all this 1400 years ago, when scientists have only recently discovered this using advanced equipment and powerful microscopes which did not exist at that time? Hamm and Leeuwenhoek were the first scientists to observe human sperm cells (spermatozoa) using an improved microscope in 1677 (more than 1000 years after Muhammad ). They mistakenly thought that the sperm cell contained a miniature preformed human being that grew when it was deposited in the female genital tract.7Professor Emeritus Keith L. Moore8 is one of the world's most prominent scientists in the fields of anatomy and embryology and is the author of the book entitled The Developing Human, which has been translated into eight languages. This book is a scientific reference work and was chosen by a special committee in the United States as the best book authored by one person. Dr. Keith Moore is Professor Emeritus of Anatomy and Cell Biology at the University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. There, he was Associate Dean of Basic Sciences at the Faculty of Medicine and for 8 years was the Chairman of the Department of Anatomy. In 1984, he received the most distinguished award presented in the field of anatomy in Canada, the J.C.B. Grant Award from the Canadian Association of Anatomists. He has directed many international associations, such as the Canadian and American Association of Anatomists and the Council of the Union of Biological Sciences.In 1981, during the Seventh Medical Conference in Dammam, Saudi Arabia, Professor Moore said: "It has been a great pleasure for me to help clarify statements in the Quran about human development. It is clear to me that these statements must have come to Muhammad from God, because almost all of this knowledge was not discovered until many centuries later. This proves to me that Muhammad must have been a messenger of Godyou can see figures at