As you know Active floodplain is an area alongside a lake, stream or other body of water that is periodically flooded, ranging from rare, severe storm events to flows experienced several times a year.
Old floodplain is opposite to active floodplain its is only flooded when there is heavy monsoon rainfall and are covered with old alluvium (alluvium deposited in the past).
By:Abdul Tawab
An old flood plain is an area of land that was once subject to periodic flooding from a river or stream but is no longer experiencing frequent flooding. Over time, sediment from the flooding accumulates, raising the elevation of the land and reducing the likelihood of future flooding. Old floodplains can be fertile areas for agriculture due to the nutrient-rich sediment left behind by the floods.
The narrow strip of land on both sides of the river is called the active flood plain area. It is locally known as 'bet' land. It is inundated almost everyear. Means it is flooded with water every year. at the end of the rainy season, it is marked with dry and braided channels rich in alluvium ... Ty
it is meander and scars and it is a piece of land with low frequency of floods and this land can not be used for agriculture
That flat plain formed by river deposits during a flood is known as a floodplain. It typically consists of fertile soil and is susceptible to periodic flooding due to its proximity to the river. Floodplains play an important role in natural ecosystems and agriculture.
Flood plains are usually level and fertile due to the nutrient rich sediment that occasionally covers the ground. As to habitation, the risk of flood damage to property (and possibly loss of life) must be considered before building on a flood plain.
Flood plain, alluvial plain, tidal plain, firth, inlet, bayou, estuary, slough, and river mouth are all terms that are synonymous with 'delta'.
It is the flood-plain.
The definition for a flood plain is, flat land near the edges of rivers made by floods.
The flood plain. Delta
There are two examples of flood Plain which are as follows:Active Flood Plain.Old Flood Plain.
I live in a flood plain, along with many others.
Move out of the flood plain.
York is situated on a flood plain
a canyon, gorge or vale
Simply put: Because Centralia is built on a flood plain. A better question would be: Why did people build on a flood plain?
I think that the problems with farming on a flood plain, is that as flood plains tend to be situated in a valley, so when it rains, there is bound to be a flood were you have been farming.
The flood destroyed the poor city.
flood damage Flood line Flood plain
an old river