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Mutual annihilation is the term we usually apply in physics to the combining of a particle and its antiparticle. Under the circumstances, the particles are completely converted into energy. That is, their entire mass is converted into electromagnetic energy. Let's look a bit more closely.

What we usually encounter is mutual annihilation events in the form of positrons interacting with electrons. The positron is the anti-particle of the electron, and shortly after the creation of the positron (either in beta plus nuclear decay or pair production), the positron will "combine" with an electron, and both particles will be completely converted into energy. This energy appears in the form of two energetic gamma rays going in opposite directions. Each gamma ray has an energy of about 0.511 MeV, or more, depending on the kinetic energy of the positron and electron that interact to release them. Links can be found below for more information.

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4mo ago

Mutual annihilation refers to the simultaneous destruction or annihilation of two opposing forces or groups. This could occur in a conflict situation where both sides suffer significant losses or are completely wiped out.

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8y ago

I am not the expert in the field of physics. But I also have not lost my common sense. When electron and positron collide with each other, you get two gamma rays. My esteemed colleague Quirkyquantummechanic has said that the particle and antiparticle are completely converted into energy. Then does this formation of the energy match with the famous equation of the Einstein? The equation goes as E = m c square. Here c is the speed of light. Speed of light is fairly high. Speed of light is roughly 300,000,000 m/s. The square of this number is 90,000,000,000,000,000. As per the theory of my colleague, you get only one gamma ray each from the entire mass of the electron or the positron. It fallows that from the mass of one electron, you get one gamma ray only and from the mass of positron, you get another gamma ray only. Then it is logical that you get one electron from one gamma ray and one positron from another gamma ray. ( The reverse of the process of annihilation.) This is not correct. If you put the mass of the electron and positron, in the equation of the Einstein, you will get much higher energy, than what my colleague has mentioned. (He has mentioned that you will get pair of gamma rays.) This is called as 'emotional' involvement into what you 'believe' in. Science has nothing to do with your 'emotions' and 'beliefs'. You have to explain every thing with logic. Here goes the explanation for the same. It is the 'kinetic' energy of of the electron and positron, that is left as the pair of gamma rays. The electron and positron vanish into 'nothing'. This is one of the greatest invention of the modern time. From particle (electron) you get gamma ray. It fallows that from antiparticle (positron), you get anti-gamma ray. When proton collide with anti-proton, you get many gamma rays, electrons and positrons and neutrinos. Here the kinetic energy has to be much more than electron positron pair. As the mass of the particles is much larger. There has to be 'equal' number of electrons and positrons get generated in the process. They can in turn again get annihilated into nothing and pairs of gamma and anti-gamma rays. The best way to study the annihilation is to study annihilation between neutron and anti-neutron. Here the element of electrical charge is not there. Here you will find that there is complete destruction of the mass into number of electrons and positrons and number of gamma rays. These electrons and positrons will annihilate each other to give you more pairs of gamma rays. So you will get complete destruction of the particle and anti-particle into nothing and only kinetic energy remains there as gamma and anti-gamma rays. If neutrinos are released, then half of them has to be anti-neutrinos. As per Einsteins equation you have E = m c square. if you multiply the equation by minus one, what you get is : minus E = Minus m c square. If you denote the particles as 'm' in the above equation, then you have to denote anti-particle as 'minus m'. It fallows that from anti-particle, you get anti-energy. Even if the 'slightest' mass can be destructed into nothing, then 'all' the mass can be destructed into nothing. This explains the the theory of origin of matter and anti-matter from nothing. Any thing of this sort is bound to generate the emotional reaction. But then the truth only prevails. Here goes the link to the theory.

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What happens when a particle an its corresponding particle of antimatter meet?

If a quark and anti-quark collide, they could scatter. But it is also possible (with increasing probability at lower energies) that they undergo what is called mutual annihilation. In mutual annihilation, both particles are converted entirely into energy. Quarks, it should be noted, cannot exist by themselves. It should also be noted that there are some particles created by quark-antiquark pairs. These particles, like the J/psi meson, are short-lived, but do exist. Investigators are still working on a better understanding of quarks and the relationship between the strong, weak and electromagnetic interactions.

Why are positrons short lived?

Positrons are short-lived because they are the antimatter counterpart of electrons, leading to annihilation when they interact with electrons. This annihilation results in the conversion of their mass into energy, in the form of gamma rays. As a result, positrons have a very short lifespan before they collide with an electron and cease to exist.

What types of damage could be expected from a collision from an asteroid?

World annihilation comes to mind.

Can you put the word mutual in a sentence?

They developed a mutual friendship.

How do gamma rays relate to the PET scanner?

Gamma rays are produced when a positron emitted by a radioactive tracer in the body collides with an electron, resulting in annihilation. This annihilation produces two gamma rays which are detected by the PET scanner to create an image of metabolic activity in the body. Detected gamma rays help determine the location and concentration of the radioactive tracer, allowing for visualization of physiological processes.

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