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It means it's late enough in the day to have a drink. It's an old sailing term: the yards on a ship are the horizontal timbers or spars mounted on the masts from which the square sails are hung; and the yardarm is the tapered end of the yard. In the Northern Hemisphere, the sun would reach the height of the end of the yard (the yardarm) at around 11 am - signaling the time for the morning tipple of grog (watered-down rum).

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โˆ™ 15y ago
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โˆ™ 4mo ago

This phrase originates from maritime tradition, indicating that it's past midday and therefore acceptable to drink alcohol. It refers to the sun being at least halfway between the horizon and its zenith.

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Q: What is meaning The Sun is past the yardarm?
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A yardarm is the outer end of a yard on a ship.

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The past participle of "sun" is "sunned."

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The past tense and the past participle of the verb 'to lie', meaning 'to tell an untruth', are both 'lied': 'I lied when I told you I loved you.' 'I have lied to you ever since we met.' The past tense of the verb 'to lie', meaning 'to be situated', is 'lay', and the past participle is 'lain': 'I lay on a towel on the beach in the sun.' 'I have lain there every day this week.'

What is meaning of past tense?

For the present continuous form "is meaning" or "are meaning," the past continuous form are "was meaning" and "were meaning."(For the verb to mean, the simple past tense is meant.)

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The past simple tense is meant.(pronounced ment)The present perfect tense is have/hasmeant, and the past perfect tense is had meant.The past progressive tense is was meaning / were meaning.The past perfect progressive is had been meaning.

What is a sentence with the word masthead in it?

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It's the same - the sun set in the west. Set is an irregular verb. The past tense is also 'set'.