

What is jungle rot disease?

Updated: 5/23/2024
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9y ago

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Jungle rot is a bacterial infection of the skin caused usually by staph. It happens when sweat is on the skin and clothing rub against it. The rubbing opens microscopic holes in the epidermal layers and the heat and moisture are ideal for bacterial growth. One of the ways to avoid it is to go commando, which refers to taking off all undergarments, underwear, t-shirt, and sock, and just putting the outer cloths back on. This helps the moisture evaporate off the skin and also keeps the chaffing down to a minimum. If you get jungle rot and you don't get medical treatment it can turn to gangrene which may result in needing an amputation, or even death. Most of the deaths in WWI were to trench foot, which is really the same disease only occurring on the feet due to the constant dampness they had in the trenches.

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1mo ago

Jungle rot is a skin infection caused by a type of bacteria (usually Pseudomonas aeruginosa or Staphylococcus aureus) that thrives in warm and moist environments. Symptoms include redness, swelling, and ulceration of the skin. Proper wound care and hygiene are essential for prevention and treatment.

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Can you use insect dust to coat your potato seed to prevent seed rot?

Insect dust is not typically used to prevent seed rot on potatoes. A more effective method would be to store potato seeds in a cool, dry, and well-ventilated area to reduce the risk of rot. You can also use certified disease-free seed potatoes to minimize the chances of rot.

What disease causes fungus on cranberries?

Fruit rot caused by the fungus Colletotrichum acutatum is a common disease that affects cranberries. It can lead to soft, sunken spots on the fruit and is most prevalent in warm, wet conditions. Proper management and fungicide applications can help control the disease.

Is rot bacteria or fungi?

Rot can be caused by both bacteria and fungi. Bacterial rot is typically caused by species such as Pseudomonas and Erwinia, while fungal rot is commonly caused by species such as Botrytis and Rhizopus. Both types of rot can damage food, plants, or other organic material.

Why are Impatien stems rotting and breaking off at the base when the leaves and blossums appear healthy and there is no evidence of insect activity?

Impatiens stems may be rotting and breaking off at the base due to a fungal disease known as root rot, which thrives in moist conditions. This can happen even if the leaves and blossoms appear healthy. Ensure the plant is not overwatered and has good drainage to prevent root rot from occurring. Periodically inspect the roots for any signs of rot and consider adjusting watering practices.

Do apples rot in hot or cold climates fastest?

Apple rot faster in hot climate .

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What is Jungle rot?

Tropical ulcer (also known as "Aden ulcer," "Jungle rot," "Malabar ulcer," and "Tropical phagedena") is a lesion occurring in cutaneous leishmaniasis. It is caused by a variety of microorganisms, including mycobacteria. It is common in tropical climates. I say look for it on Wikipedia and search for it. It's okay if you barf.

What happens if you waste?

Resources will decrease while at the same time rot and disease will increase.

What kind of disease can you get in playing computer games?

brain damage no disease.ur brain will rot

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How to manage control the stem or root rot?

If you are asking how to control damping off disease, which is the stem of a seedling plant rotting off at the soil surface. There is a product called Captan that is very effective in controlling root rot & damping off disease.