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Im assuming you're meaning serotonin, which you most likely are. Here are some compiled facts about what serotonin is ,works ,functions and functioning.

Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) is a neurotransmitter in the brain that has an enormous influence over many brain functions. It is synthesized, from the amino acid L-tryptophan, in brain neurons and stored in vesicles. Serotonin is found in three main areas of the body: the intestinal wall; large constricted blood vessels; and the central nervous system. The most widely studied effects have been those on the central nervous system. The functions of serotonin are numerous and appear to involve control of appetite, sleep, memory and learning, temperature regulation, mood, behavior (including sexual and hallucinogenic behavior), cardiovascular function, muscle contraction, endocrine regulation, and depression.

Of the chemical neurotransmitter substances, serotonin is perhaps the most implicated in the treatment of various disorders, including anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, schizophrenia, stroke, obesity, pain, hypertension, vascular disorders, migraine, and nausea.

The linkage of serotonin to depression has been known for the past five years. From numerous studies, the most concrete evidence of this connection is the decreased concentration of serotonin metabolites like 5-HIAA (5-hydroxyindole acetic acid) in the cerebrospinal fluid and brain tissues of depressed people. If depression, as suggested, is a result of decreased levels of serotonin in the brain, pharmaceutical agents that can reverse this effect should be helpful in treating depressed patients. Therefore, the primary targets of various antidepressant medications are serotonin transports of the brain. Since serotonin is activated when released by neurons into the synapse, antidepressants function at the synapse to enhance serotonin activity. Normally, serotonin's actions in the synapse are terminated by its being taken back into the neuron then releases it at which point "it is either recycled for reuse as a transmitter or broken down into its metabolic by products and transported out of the brain." As a result, antidepressants work to increase serotonin levels at the synapse by blocking serotonin reuptake.

According to other researchers, an even better way to raise serotonin levels would be to get daily exercise. The most effective way of raising the serotonin level is with vigorous exercise. Studies have shown that serotonin levels are raised with increased activity and the production of serotonin is increased for some days after the activity. This is the safest way of increasing the serotonin level and there are numerous benefits to be gained by regular exercise. In observing these findings, there is a basic understanding of serotonin and its functions. Serotonin is recognized as a very important neurotransmitter that has a profound effect on many aspects of behavior. Extensive research has been done, and is being continued, on the complex mechanisms by which serotonin operates. The most useful outcome of such studies is the introduction of pharmaceutical agents into the medical community. New studies are conducted everyday to learn more about the exact nature of serotonin and its widespread use throughout the human body.

Sorry if this is too much information for the question, but the question is very complex.

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3mo ago

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that helps regulate mood, appetite, sleep, and other important bodily functions. It plays a key role in maintaining mental health and well-being.

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