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When magma begins to form a dome shape and pushes the crust outward in a hill formation, it is called a volcanic dome. These domes are typically formed from highly viscous magma that cannot easily flow away, causing it to build up vertically near the volcano's vent.

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Q: What is formed when magma begins to form a dome shape which will push the crust outward in a hill formation?
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When the crust of the earth is thin and can be ruptured a what can be formed?

When the crust of the Earth is thin and ruptured, it can lead to the formation of rift valleys, such as the East African Rift. This process can also result in the formation of new ocean basins through seafloor spreading.

What modern process is thought to be similar to the way crust formed before plate tectonics began?

The formation of the Hawaiian Islands

How is new crust continually being formed?

New crust is continually being formed at mid-ocean ridges through the process of seafloor spreading. Magma rises from the mantle and solidifies at the ridges, creating new crust as tectonic plates move apart. The crust then slowly spreads outward as more magma comes up, constantly renewing the Earth's surface.

What features are commonly formed at the plate boundaries where continental crust converges with oceanic crust?

Subduction zones are commonly formed at these plate boundaries, where the denser oceanic crust is forced beneath the less dense continental crust. This process can create deep oceanic trenches, volcanic arcs, and earthquakes. Over time, it can also result in the formation of mountain ranges on the continental crust.

Does granitic crust form at the mid oceanic ridge?

Granitic crust is not typically formed at mid-oceanic ridges. Mid-oceanic ridges are typically associated with the formation of basaltic crust through volcanic activity. Granitic crust is more commonly associated with continental crust formation through processes such as partial melting and fractional crystallization.

Related questions

When is crust neither formed or destroyed?

Crust is neither formed nor destroyed when the rate of crust formation at mid-ocean ridges equals the rate of crust destruction at subduction zones. This balance is known as isostasy and helps maintain the overall thickness of the Earth's crust.

What does the formation of a crater follow?

There are craters formed by asteroids crashing into Earth. There are craters formed by volcanic explosions. There are craters formed by collapses in the Earth's crust.

Which boundry does a rift valley forrm at?

divergant boundries. new rock is formed and pushes the older seafloor outward towards the continental crust.

When the crust of the earth is thin and can be ruptured a what can be formed?

When the crust of the Earth is thin and ruptured, it can lead to the formation of rift valleys, such as the East African Rift. This process can also result in the formation of new ocean basins through seafloor spreading.

What modern process is thought to be similar to the way crust formed before plate tectonics began?

The formation of the Hawaiian Islands

How is new crust continually being formed?

New crust is continually being formed at mid-ocean ridges through the process of seafloor spreading. Magma rises from the mantle and solidifies at the ridges, creating new crust as tectonic plates move apart. The crust then slowly spreads outward as more magma comes up, constantly renewing the Earth's surface.

Where are oceanic crust and lithosphere formed?

Oceanic crust and lithosphere are formed at mid-ocean ridges through the process of seafloor spreading. Magma rises from the mantle and solidifies to create new oceanic crust at these divergent plate boundaries. As the new crust forms, it pushes the older crust away from the ridge axis, creating a continuous process of crust formation and movement.

What is the outcome of two plates moving apart?

When two plates move apart, a divergent boundary is formed. This movement creates a gap which allows magma from beneath the Earth's crust to rise, leading to the formation of new crust. Over time, this process results in the creation of new oceanic crust and the widening of the ocean basin.

What features are commonly formed at the plate boundaries where continental crust converges with oceanic crust?

Subduction zones are commonly formed at these plate boundaries, where the denser oceanic crust is forced beneath the less dense continental crust. This process can create deep oceanic trenches, volcanic arcs, and earthquakes. Over time, it can also result in the formation of mountain ranges on the continental crust.

Does granitic crust form at the mid oceanic ridge?

Granitic crust is not typically formed at mid-oceanic ridges. Mid-oceanic ridges are typically associated with the formation of basaltic crust through volcanic activity. Granitic crust is more commonly associated with continental crust formation through processes such as partial melting and fractional crystallization.

Why seafloor spreading is like a moving conveyor belt?

Seafloor spreading occurs at mid-ocean ridges where new oceanic crust is formed. As magma rises and solidifies at the ridge, it pushes the existing crust outward on both sides, similar to how a conveyor belt moves material forward. This process of crust formation and spreading creates a continuous cycle of oceanic crust creation and movement, resembling the motion of a conveyor belt.

The oceanic crust begins at the continental shelf or rise?

The oceanic crust begins at the continental rise