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while the movement in Algeria escalated into a full-scale war, the movements in Ghana and Kenya ended peacefully (apex, world history sem 2)

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MV RagDoll

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Q: What is difference between the independence movement in Algeria and the movements in Ghana and Kenya?
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What statement describes one difference between the independence movement in Algeria and the movements in Ghana and Kenya?

while the movement in Algeria escalated into full-scale war the movements in the Ghana Kenya ended peacefully

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Mandela's movement hoped to end racial oppression in an independent state, while Algerians were fighting for political independence.

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Who won the Algerian War?

France and Algerian Independence movements.

How were independence movements in Ghana and Algeria different?

Ghana achieved independence mainly through nonviolent means, while Algeria fought an eight-year war before it won independence.

How did the independence movement of Vietnam and Algeria compare after the end of world war 2?

Answer this question… Both movements launched nationalist wars that extended over several years.

In what ways were independence movements in Algeria and Kenya similar?

Answer this question… Both succeeded in winning independence only after violence.

In what ways were the independence movements in Algeria and Kenya similar?

Answer this question… Both succeeded in winning independence only after violence.

In what ways were the independence movements in Algeria and Vietnam similarAsk us anything?

Both the independence movements in Algeria and Vietnam were characterized by anti-colonial struggle against French imperialism. They both involved armed resistance against the colonial powers and sought self-determination for their respective nations. Additionally, both movements faced significant challenges and sacrifices in their fight for independence.

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What were the differences between the independence movement in Algeria and Kenya?

Got no damned clue

What ways were the independence movements Algeria and Vietnam similar?

Both countries revolted violently against French oppressors.