the seismic signature of chemical differentiation that helps mapping chemical heterogeneity in the upper mantle. The relation between chemical differentiation and its seismological signature is not straightforward because a large number of unknown parameters are involved although the seismological observations provide only a few parameters (e.g., VP, VS, QP). Therefore it is critical to identify a small number of parameters by which the gross trend of chemical evolution can be described. The variation in major element composition in natural samples reflect complicated processes that include not only partial melting but also other complex processes (e.g., metasomatism, influx melting). We investigate the seismic velocities of hypothetical but well-defined simple chemical differentiation processes (e.g., partial melting of various pressure conditions, addition of Si-rich melt or fluid), which cover the chemical variation of the natural mantle peridotites with various tectonic settings (mid ocean ridge, island arc and continent).
What is the change in structure and function of a cell as it matures: specialization Answer: differentiation
Sexual differentiation.
Yes, interleukins are a group of cytokines that act as chemical mediators used by immune cells to communicate with each other. They help regulate immune responses, including inflammation and cell differentiation.
In cell differentiation: Mapping refers to the different phases, distinguishing between them and analyzing them.
to differentiation the cells
The result of differentiation is an organism grows larger
Differentiation of funtion is rate of chnage of that funtion.
differentiation of sin x + cos x.
b benefits
As differentiation has many meanings, please visit
Embryonic development.
integration is reverse of differentiation and vice versa
In people, differentiation occurs during the fetal development in the uterus.
in case of partial differentiation , suppose a z is a function of x and y so in partial differentiation of z w.r.t x all other variables except x are considered to be constant but on the contrary in differentiation process they are not considered as constant unless stated .