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You are failing math so you decide to be the best Basketball player on the team

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Q: What is an example of defense mechanism compensation?
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The Stockholm Syndrome is an example of what defense mechanism?

Stockholm Syndrome is an example of the defense mechanism of identification.

How is a defense mechanism?

What is a defense mechanism

Which of the following is an example of the use of a defense mechanism?

Repression is an example of a defense mechanism where a person unconsciously blocks out thoughts or memories that are too difficult for them to acknowledge.

What is the defense mechanism of the turtle?

One of the defense mechanism's of the turtle is the ability to hide in it's shell.

What animal can shoot quills as a defense mechanism?

The animal that can shoot quills as a defense mechanism is the porcupine.

Are hand gestures viewed as a defense mechanism?

No, the hand gestures are not viewed as a defense mechanism but communication mechanism. Some of the hand gestures that is viewed as a defense mechanism includes crossed arms with fists and arm crossed with thumbs.

What is the synonym for coping mechanism?

Adaptation or defense mechanism.

Reflexes are a part of the body's defense mechanism. true or false?

Reflexes are a part of the body's defense mechanism.

What is the most primary defense mechanism?

aggressive defense

Which one of these is not a defense mechanism?


What events is an example of the use of a defense mechanism A taking a hot bath B relaxing to music C exercising D Yelling at your spouse after a bad day at work?

D. Yelling at your spouse after a bad day at work is an example of defense mechanism. In this case, the person is using "displacement" as a defense mechanism by venting their frustration on their spouse instead of addressing the actual source of stress from work.

Is defense mechanism good or bad?

Defense is usually good.