A turbine is a machine that harnesses the flow of a fluid, such as steam, water, or gas, to produce rotational motion. This motion can be used to generate electricity in power plants, propel aircraft, or drive machinery in various industries. Turbines work by converting the potential energy in the fluid into mechanical energy through the movement of blades or buckets mounted on a central shaft.
A wind turbine is a rotating machine which converts the kinetic energy in wind into mechanical energy. The mechanical energy can be converted into electrical energy, or it can be used to pump water or grind crops. If it is used to make electricity, it can be called a wind turbine, but if it is used to grind or pump, it is called a windmill.
Turbines are generally wind generated motors which are used to produce energy, mainly electrical energy.
A turbine is an engine that uses energy from the flow of liquid. Turbines can be found in jet engines, the engines of aircraft, and are responsible for most of the electricity produced on our planet.
A turbine is a machine with a shaft or drum with blades attached. When the turbine turns energy is extracted from what ever is making the turbine turn, for example wind or water or steam. The turning of the turbine is used to generate electricity
Nuclear fission generates heat which is used to produce steam. The high-pressure steam spins a turbine by expanding through its blades. The turbine is connected to a generator, which converts the kinetic energy from the spinning turbine into electricity.
A steam turbine works by using high-pressure steam to rotate turbine blades connected to a shaft. The steam expands through the blades, causing them to turn and drive a generator to produce electricity. The used steam is then condensed back into water and recycled in a closed-loop system.
The kinetic energy in a turbine comes from the movement of a fluid (such as wind, water, or steam) that flows through the turbine's blades. As the fluid moves, it transfers its kinetic energy to the turbine's rotor, causing it to spin and generate mechanical energy that is then converted into electricity.
The number of 100 watt light bulbs that can be lit by a wind turbine depends on the specific characteristics and capacity of the turbine. It is determined by the rated power output of the turbine and the power consumption of the light bulbs. Generally, you would need to divide the turbine's rated power by the power consumption of the light bulbs (in this case 100 watts) to estimate the number of bulbs it can light.
The time it takes for a wind turbine to offset its carbon footprint varies depending on factors like the turbine's location and size. On average, a wind turbine typically offsets its carbon footprint within 6 months to a year of operation.
HP Turbine is High Performance Turbine LP Turbine is Low Performance Turbine
Turbine is not a change, a turbine is a mechanical device.
in a radial flow turbine the steam enters the turbine in the direction of its radius and leaves it in the direction of the axis of the shaft. in a axial flow turbine the steam enters the turbine in the direction of the axis of the shaft and leaves the turbine in the same direction.
Turbine is the correct spelling.
Steam is redirected back into the boiler from the high-pressure turbine for reheating, but the steam from the low-pressure turbine enters into a condenser to become water again.
gas turbine generator
mix-pressure turbine
The Chrysler turbine car 1962-1964 was the first turbine production car.
Resistance offered by turbine to the steam
pelton turbines are suited to high head,low flow application but kaplan turbine are used for low head and a large amount of discharge needed. kaplan turbines are expensive to design,manufacture and install as compared to pelton turbine but operate for decades.
The Kaplan turbine is a newer, more revolutionary version of the Francis turbine, which came before it. The draft tube is used so that the turbine does not need to be where the water flow is lowest.
1 Pelton Turbine 2 Kaplan Turbine 3 Francis Turbine 4 Propeller Turbine 5 Tubular Turbine