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to protect the horse from harsh weather conditions

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8mo ago

A stable is used for housing and caring for horses. It provides shelter, food, water, grooming, and exercise facilities to keep the horses healthy and safe.

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How are stable isotopes used in medicine?

Stable isotopes are used as tracers.

What is an example sentence with the word stable in it?

The ladder must be stable before you climb it. Here it is used as an adjective. The horse is in the stable. Here it is used as a noun.

What is a stable?

A stable is a building used to house animals and possibly their equipment and feed stuffs. In the old days the term barn or stable was used for just about any building that house animals. Nowadays stable only applies to a horse barn.

What a stable?

A stable is a building used to house animals and possibly their equipment and feed stuffs. In the old days the term barn or stable was used for just about any building that house animals. Nowadays stable only applies to a horse barn.

Can stable be used in past tense?


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Is salt stable?

Yes, salt is a stable compound under normal conditions. It is not reactive and does not decompose easily. Its stability makes it a widely used and long-lasting substance.

What is a stable rug used for?

A stable rug is a type of 'blanket' that you can add to a horse, mainly to keep it warm.There are many different reasons to wear a stable rug.In Winter time:-if it had a fine coat or a thick coat and was in the stableIn Summer time:-if it had a fine coat and was in a stable.

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What is a medieval mews used for?

The medieval mews were used as a type of stable for falcons

What is a Breyer Stable used for?

A Breyer Stable can be used as a child's play toy and usually comes with stable animals. One can purchase these on sites like eBay and Amazon. It is advisable that one checks sellers ratings before a purchase is made.

What part of speech is the word stable?

The word "stable" can be used as both a noun (a building where horses are kept) and an adjective (steady or unchanging).