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3mo ago

Force is a science term that can make something move or cause it to stop. It is defined as a push or pull on an object resulting from interactions with other objects.

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Q: What is a science term that can make something move or cause it to stop?
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What does Transportation mean in science terms?

it means to move something

What do you call something that makes something move or cause it to stop?

You can call something that makes something move a "force" or a "mover," while something that causes it to stop can be referred to as a "brake" or a "stopper."

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Work is the force exerted on an object that causes it to move.

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You can attach one end of a rubber band to a stationary object and the other end to the object you want to move. When you stretch the rubber band and release it, the stored energy will cause the object to move as the rubber band contracts back to its original shape.

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What does the word force mean in science?

In science, force is a push or pull that can cause an object to move, stop, or change direction. It is typically measured in units such as Newtons (N) and can be categorized as contact forces (resulting from direct contact between objects) or non-contact forces (acting over a distance, such as gravity or magnetism).

How can a force cause something to move?

When the force is great enough to overcome the object's inertia.

What are uses of unbalanced force?

Unbalanced force is required in order to make something move that isn't, and to make something stop that is.

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What has the ability to make something move or change?

A force has the ability to make something move or change. Force is a push or pull on an object causing it to accelerate, decelerate, stop, or change direction.

Where did the lengendary Pokemon GO after they were captured?

anywhere but make sure you have the move scary face cause they tend to runaway anywhere but make sure you have the move scary face cause they tend to runaway