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A pluton is a dike.

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4w ago
  • A pluton is an igneous rock formation formed beneath the Earth's surface.
  • A dike is a vertical or near-vertical geological formation where magma has intruded into pre-existing rock.
  • A lahar is a type of volcanic mudflow made up of water, ash, and other debris flowing rapidly down the slopes of a volcano.
  • A lava flow is the movement of molten rock on the Earth's surface during a volcanic eruption.
  • Pyroclasts are rock fragments ejected during a volcanic eruption, such as ash, lapilli, and volcanic bombs.
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Q: What is a pluton a dike a lahar a lava flow or a pyroclast?
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Is a lahar is an example of a pluton?

No, a lahar is not an example of a pluton. A lahar is a volcanic mudflow that occurs when volcanic debris mixes with water, flowing down the slopes of a volcano. A pluton, on the other hand, is an igneous intrusion formed underground by the solidification of magma.

Is dike a type of lava flow?

A dike is not a type of lava flow, but rather a sheet-like intrusion of igneous rock that cuts across existing rock layers. Dikes form when molten rock (magma) is injected into fractures in the Earth's crust and crystallizes before reaching the surface.

What is the difference between a pyroclastic flow and a lahar?

A lahar is a mudflow that results from water mixing with volcanic ash. They can be hot or cold.A pyroclastic flow is a flow of superheatd ash, rock and gas that moves down the side of a volcano and is much hotter than a lahar. This material is ejected directly from a volcano.

How is a lahar different from a debris flow that may occur in southern California?

A lahar is specifically a mudflow of volcanic origin, ruslting from water mixing with volcanic ash. The debris flows in Southern California com from the soil and material weathered from preexisting rock.

Is a dike a intrusive ingneouse rock or a extrusive rock ingneouse?

A dike is an intrusive igneous rock. It is a vertical intrusion that is usually associated with a central magma chamber. It is intrusive because it usually does not reach the surface. When a dike does reach the surface, the magma it countains erupts and forms an extrusive lava flow.

Related questions

Is a lahar is an example of a pluton?

No, a lahar is not an example of a pluton. A lahar is a volcanic mudflow that occurs when volcanic debris mixes with water, flowing down the slopes of a volcano. A pluton, on the other hand, is an igneous intrusion formed underground by the solidification of magma.

Is the following is an intrusive igneous body Pyroclast Lava Flow Lahar Batholith?

The given options are not all intrusive igneous bodies. A batholith is an intrusive igneous body formed deep within the Earth's crust, while pyroclastic flows, lava flows, and lahars are volcanic hazards associated with volcanic eruptions.

A mud flow on a volcano is called?


Effects of lahar?

A lahar is basically a mudslide that has debris within its flow. Effects of a lahar include your home being destroyed, trees and other vegetation being destroyed, and the loss of people.

How far in KM could a lahar flow away from the crater?


Is dike a type of lava flow?

A dike is not a type of lava flow, but rather a sheet-like intrusion of igneous rock that cuts across existing rock layers. Dikes form when molten rock (magma) is injected into fractures in the Earth's crust and crystallizes before reaching the surface.

What is the term for a mudflow that includes numerous larger blocks of material?

lahar, debris flow

What is the difference between a pyroclastic flow and a lahar?

A lahar is a mudflow that results from water mixing with volcanic ash. They can be hot or cold.A pyroclastic flow is a flow of superheatd ash, rock and gas that moves down the side of a volcano and is much hotter than a lahar. This material is ejected directly from a volcano.

What type of simple machine is a dike?

A dike is not a machine, it does not change the direction of any force or amplify any force, it is merely an obstacle to the flow of water.

What is a Dyke system?

The word in waterway control can be written as dyke or dike. In the US, we use dike. A dike or dikes are a system of levees that control the level of water in a river or other waterway. Dikes control the height and flow of water beyond the point of the dike. When more than one dike exists, the plan can be called a Dike System or System of Dikes.

Was eyjafjallajokull a lahar or a pyroclastic flow?

Eyjafjallajökull was neither a lahar nor a pyroclastic flow. It was a stratovolcano in Iceland that erupted in 2010, producing a plume of ash that disrupted air travel in Europe.

What is a pyroclast flow of the volcano?

a pyroclastic flow is a cloud of volcanic bombs, volcanic blocks, volcanic ash, and lapilli. these flows can achieve speeds at over 125 miles per hour and can be more than 750 degrees Celsius.