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High tide line averaged over 18.6 years.

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9mo ago

The mean high tide line is the average location of the high tide over a specific period of time. It is used to demarcate the boundary between private and public property along coastal shorelines.

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do you mean spring tide

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The communities are stratified from the high-tide line to the low-tide line. Good luck! :)

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"Low tide" and "High tide or normal tide" on a British Victorian 1897 Halfpenny or Farthing, or an Edward VII 1902 Penny or Halfpenny refers to how high up Britannia's shin the water is. It is a little difficult to discern unless you have one coin of each type. At "Low tide", the water is about level with Britannia's ankle. The hem of the robe is just touching the water line. At "High tide or normal tide", the water is a little above Britannia's ankle. The hem of the robe is well below the water line.

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When the tide is at its highest.

Is it is high tide where you are is the tide high or low on the side of earth directly opposite you?

it is high tide