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Q: What is a good statement for what type of juice cleans penny best?
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Why does grape juice clean pennies best?

Grape juice contains a weak acid called citric acid, which can help break down the tarnish on the surface of the penny. This acid dissolves the copper oxide layer, revealing the shiny copper underneath. Other acids in grape juice, like tartaric acid, may also contribute to the cleaning process.

What resource cleans a penny the best lime lemon or orange juice?

Lemon juice is the best resource for cleaning a penny as it contains citric acid, which has strong cleaning properties. Lime and orange juice may also work due to their acidic nature, but lemon juice is more commonly used for this purpose.

What 4 substances clean a dirty penny the best?

Vinegar, ketchup, lemon juice, and baking soda are substances that can effectively clean a dirty penny. Each of these substances contains acids or other compounds that can help break down the dirt and grime on the surface of the penny, restoring its shine.

What is the hypothesis to which kind of juice cleans pennies best orange or apple juice?

step 1:have cups for the juicestep 2:pour the juice in the cups, pour juice half waystep 3:drop in pennies that are dirtystep 4:leave pennies for a while like 20-30 minutes to let chemicals come togetherstep 5:take out the pennies and compare them to see which is cleanerstep 6:you have completed the procedure

Can a vinegar and kitchup clean a penny?

Vinegar, yes, but not ketchup. Vinegar cleans it because it is an acid. Actually, the best thing to use is cola or lemonade and leave the penny in some cola or lemonade for 48 hours - it normally does the trick!

Related questions

What type of juice cleans a penny best?

lemon juice.(:

What ingredint in grape juice cleans the penny best?

vitamin c.

What is themanipulated variable of what kind of juice cleans pennies best?

well add juice to the penny

What cleans a penny best apple orange or grape juice?

apple dose

What is a good hypothesis for What type of juice cleans a penny the best?

The hypothesis could be: "Citrus fruit juice will clean the penny the best, due to its high acidity content."

What kitchen cleaning product cleans a penny best?

Something with a mild acid in it. Try salt and lemon juice.

Which juice cleans pennies best orange juice or grapefruit?

orange works better because it has more citric acids than apple juice does, all the apple juice will do is make the penny stickier.

What kind of juice cleans pennies best and why?

lemon juice, because it has antioxidense!>*^#$

What kind of title can be use for what kind of drink cleans a penny best?

penny bath

What material cleans a penny the best?

what materital clean pennies better

What cleans pennies the best coke or pepsi soft drinks?

Coke and it also cleans battery contacts on a car or trk.

What juice cleans pennies best between orange juice apple juice or fruit punch?

apple juice... I did that as a science fair project