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A biocoenosis is a community of interacting organisms which form a natural ecological unit.

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Q: What is a biocoenosis?
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Words with prefix bio?

Biochemistry, biocoenosis, biodegradable, biofeedback, biogenesis, biography, biological, biology, bioluminescence, biomass, biometry, bionics, biophysics, biopsy, biota, - - - - there are HUNDREDS more, but perhaps it would serve you better to actually read a dictionary, then the words would stick in your memory more effectively.

What are the various biotic communities?

Biotic communities are groups of interacting organisms that inhabit a specific area. They can vary in size and complexity, ranging from a small pond ecosystem to a vast tropical rainforest. Examples include forests, grasslands, deserts, coral reefs, and wetlands. Each biotic community is characterized by the unique plants, animals, and microorganisms that coexist within it.

At what level does life begin?

cellsCell is the basic unit of life.

What is a ecosystem and types of ecosystem?

An ecosystem is a community of living organisms interacting with each other and their physical environment. There are various types of ecosystems, including forests, grasslands, deserts, freshwater ecosystems (such as lakes and rivers), marine ecosystems (such as coral reefs and oceans), and urban ecosystems (such as cities and suburbs). Each type of ecosystem has its own unique characteristics and biodiversity.

What words start with bio?

bioacoustics bioactive bioactivities bioactivity bioassay bioassayed bioassaying bioassays bioavailabilities bioavailability bioavailable biocenoses biocenosis biochemical biochemically biochemicals biochemist biochemistries biochemistry biochemists biochip biochips biocidal biocide biocides bioclean bioclimatic biocoenoses biocoenosis biocompatibilities biocompatibility biocompatible biocontrol biocontrols bioconversion bioconversions biocycle biocycles biodegradabilities biodegradability biodegradable biodegradation biodegradations biodegrade biodegraded biodegrades biodegrading biodeterioration biodeteriorations biodiversities biodiversity biodynamic bioelectric bioelectrical bioelectricities bioelectricity bioenergetic bioenergetics bioengineer bioengineered bioengineering bioengineerings bioengineers bioethic bioethical bioethicist bioethicists bioethics biofeedback biofeedbacks biofouling biofoulings biogas biogases biogasses biogen biogeneses biogenesis biogenetic biogenetically biogenic biogenies biogenous biogens biogeny biogeochemical biogeochemicals biogeochemistries biogeochemistry biogeographer biogeographers biogeographic biogeographical biogeographies biogeography biographee biographees biographer biographers biographic biographical biographically biographies biography biohazard biohazards bioherm bioherms biologic biological biologically biologicals biologics biologies biologism biologisms biologist biologistic biologists biology bioluminescence bioluminescences bioluminescent biolyses biolysis biolytic biomarker biomarkers biomass biomasses biomaterial biomaterials biomathematical biomathematician biomathematicians biomathematics biome biomechanical biomechanically biomechanics biomedical biomedicine biomedicines biomes biometeorological biometeorologies biometeorology biometric biometrical biometrician biometricians biometrics biometries biometry biomolecular biomolecule biomolecules biomorphic bionic bionics bionomic bionomics bionomies bionomy biont biontic bionts biophysical biophysicist biophysicists biophysics biopic biopics bioplasm bioplasms biopolymer biopolymers biopsic biopsied biopsies biopsy biopsying bioptic bioreactor bioreactors bioregion bioregional bioregionalism bioregionalisms bioregionalist bioregionalists bioregions bioremediation bioremediations biorhythm biorhythmic biorhythms bios biosafeties biosafety bioscience biosciences bioscientific bioscientist bioscientists bioscope bioscopes bioscopies bioscopy biosensor biosensors biosocial biosocially biosolid biosolids biosphere biospheres biospheric biostatistical biostatistician biostatisticians biostatistics biostratigraphic biostratigraphies biostratigraphy biosyntheses biosynthesis biosynthetic biosynthetically biosystematic biosystematics biosystematist biosystematists biota biotas biotech biotechnical biotechnological biotechnologies biotechnologist biotechnologists biotechnology biotechs biotelemetric biotelemetries biotelemetry biotic biotical biotics biotin biotins biotite biotites biotitic biotope biotopes biotoxin biotoxins biotransformation biotransformations biotron biotrons biotype biotypes biotypic biovular

what is a ecosystem?

a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment.

How many words starts with bio?

3-letter wordsbio4-letter wordsbios5-letter wordsbiome, biont, biota6-letter wordsbiogas, biogen, biomes, bionic, bionts, biopsy, biotas, biotic, biotin7-letter wordsbiocide, biogens, biogeny, bioherm, biology, biomass, bionics, bionomy, biontic, biopsic, bioptic, biotech, biotics, biotins, biotite, biotope, biotron, biotype8-letter wordsbioassay, biocidal, biocides, bioclean, biocycle, bioethic, biogases, biogenic, bioherms, biologic, biolyses, biolysis, biolytic, biometry, bionomic, bioplasm, biopsies, bioscope, bioscopy, biotechs, biotical, biotites, biotitic, biotopes, biotoxin, biotrons, biotypes, biotypic, biovular9-letter wordsbioactive, bioassays, biocycles, bioethics, biogasses, biogenies, biogenous, biography, biohazard, biologics, biologies, biologism, biologist, biomasses, biometric, bionomics, bionomies, bioplasms, biopsying, biorhythm, biosafety, bioscopes, biosensor, biosocial, biosphere, biotoxins10-letter wordsbioassayed, biocenoses, biocenosis, biochemist, biocontrol, biodegrade, biodynamic, bioethical, biofouling, biogeneses, biogenesis, biogenetic, biographee, biographer, biographic, biohazards, biological, biologisms, biologists, biomedical, biometrics, biometries, biomorphic, biophysics, biopolymer, bioreactor, biorhythms, bioscience, bioscopies, biosensors, biospheres, biospheric11-letter wordsbioactivity, bioassaying, biochemical, biochemists, bioclimatic, biocoenoses, biocoenosis, biocontrols, biodegraded, biodegrades, bioelectric, bioengineer, bioethicist, biofeedback, biofoulings, biographees, biographers, biographies, biologicals, biologistic, biomaterial, biomedicine, biometrical, biomolecule, biophysical, biopolymers, bioreactors, biorhythmic, biosafeties, biosciences, biosocially12-letter wordsbioacoustics, bioavailable, biochemicals, biochemistry, biodegrading, biodiversity, bioenergetic, bioengineers, bioethicists, biofeedbacks, biogeography, biographical, biologically, biomaterials, biomechanics, biomedicines, biometrician, biomolecular, biomolecules, biophysicist, bioscientist, biosyntheses, biosynthesis, biosynthetic, biotechnical, biotelemetry13-letter wordsbioactivities, biochemically, biocompatible, bioconversion, biodegradable, bioelectrical, bioenergetics, bioengineered, biogeographer, biogeographic, biomechanical, biometricians, biophysicists, bioscientific, bioscientists, biostatistics, biosystematic, biotechnology, biotelemetric14-letter wordsbiochemistries, bioconversions, biodegradation, biodiversities, bioelectricity, bioengineering, biogenetically, biogeochemical, biogeographers, biogeographies, biographically, bioluminescent, biomathematics, biometeorology, biostatistical, biosystematics, biosystematist, biotelemetries15-letter wordsbioavailability, biodegradations, bioengineerings, biogeochemicals, biogeochemistry, biogeographical, bioluminescence, biomathematical, biomechanically, biostatistician, biostratigraphy, biosystematists, biotechnologies, biotechnologist16-letter wordsbiocompatibility, biodegradability, biodeterioration, bioelectricities, bioluminescences, biomathematician, biometeorologies, biostatisticians, biostratigraphic, biosynthetically, biotechnological, biotechnologists17-letter wordsbioavailabilities, biodeteriorations, biogeochemistries, biomathematicians, biometeorological, biostratigraphies, biotransformation18-letter wordsbiocompatibilities, biodegradabilities, biotransformations249 words found.

Is there a prefix that starts in bio?

bio bioacoustics bioactive bioactivities bioactivity bioassay bioassayed bioassaying bioassays bioavailabilities bioavailability bioavailable biocenoses biocenosis biochemical biochemically biochemicals biochemist biochemistries biochemistry biochemists biochip biochips biocidal biocide biocides bioclean bioclimatic biocoenoses biocoenosis biocompatibilities biocompatibility biocompatible biocontrol biocontrols bioconversion bioconversions biocycle biocycles biodegradabilities biodegradability biodegradable biodegradation biodegradations biodegrade biodegraded biodegrades biodegrading biodeterioration biodeteriorations biodiversities biodiversity biodynamic bioelectric bioelectrical bioelectricities bioelectricity bioenergetic bioenergetics bioengineer bioengineered bioengineering bioengineerings bioengineers bioethic bioethical bioethicist bioethicists bioethics biofeedback biofeedbacks biofouling biofoulings biogas biogases biogasses biogen biogeneses biogenesis biogenetic biogenetically biogenic biogenies biogenous biogens biogeny biogeochemical biogeochemicals biogeochemistries biogeochemistry biogeographer biogeographers biogeographic biogeographical biogeographies biogeography biographee biographees biographer biographers biographic biographical biographically biographies biography biohazard biohazards bioherm bioherms biologic biological biologically biologicals biologics biologies biologism biologisms biologist biologistic biologists biology bioluminescence bioluminescences bioluminescent biolyses biolysis biolytic biomarker biomarkers biomass biomasses biomaterial biomaterials biomathematical biomathematician biomathematicians biomathematics biome biomechanical biomechanically biomechanics biomedical biomedicine biomedicines biomes biometeorological biometeorologies biometeorology biometric biometrical biometrician biometricians biometrics biometries biometry biomolecular biomolecule biomolecules biomorphic bionic bionics bionomic bionomics bionomies bionomy biont biontic bionts biophysical biophysicist biophysicists biophysics biopic biopics bioplasm bioplasms biopolymer biopolymers biopsic biopsied biopsies biopsy biopsying bioptic bioreactor bioreactors bioregion bioregional bioregionalism bioregionalisms bioregionalist bioregionalists bioregions bioremediation bioremediations biorhythm biorhythmic biorhythms bios biosafeties biosafety bioscience biosciences bioscientific bioscientist bioscientists bioscope bioscopes bioscopies bioscopy biosensor biosensors biosocial biosocially biosolid biosolids biosphere biospheres biospheric biostatistical biostatistician biostatisticians biostatistics biostratigraphic biostratigraphies biostratigraphy biosyntheses biosynthesis biosynthetic biosynthetically biosystematic biosystematics biosystematist biosystematists biota biotas biotech biotechnical biotechnological biotechnologies biotechnologist biotechnologists biotechnology biotechs biotelemetric biotelemetries biotelemetry biotic biotical biotics biotin biotins biotite biotites biotitic biotope biotopes biotoxin biotoxins biotransformation biotransformations biotron biotrons biotype biotypes biotypic biovular

What are some words that have the suffix -sis?

abiosis acidosis actinobacillosis actinomycosis adenosis adiposis aerobiosis aeroneurosis agranulocytosis agranulosis alkalosis alphosis amaurosis ameiosis amitosis amphiarthrosis amyloidosis anabiosis anadiplosis anaerobiosis anamorphosis anaplasmosis anaplerosis anastomosis anchylosis anemosis ankylosis anthracosis anthropomorphosis antibiosis antituberculosis apodosis aponeurosis apoptosis apotheosis ariboflavinosis arteriosclerosis arthrosis asbestosis aspergillosis ateleiosis atheromatosis atherosclerosis athetosis athrocytosis autohypnosis avitaminosis babesiosis bacteriosis bagassosis berylliosis bilharziosis biocenosis biocoenosis blastomycosis bromhidrosis bromidrosis brucellosis byssinosis calcinosis campylobacteriosis carcinomatosis carcinosis chemosmosis chlorosis chondromatosis cirrhosis coccidioidomycosis coccidiosis coniosis cryptococcosis cryptosporidiosis cyanosis cyclosis cysticercosis cystinosis cytodiagnosis dermatophytosis dermatosis diagnosis diarthrosis diorthosis diplosis diverticulosis dulosis ecchymosis echinococcosis electroosmosis enantiosis enarthrosis endocytosis endometriosis endomitosis endosmosis endosymbiosis enosis enteroptosis epanadiplosis epanorthosis erythroblastosis exocytosis exosmosis exostosis fibrosis fluorosis furunculosis gaposis geognosis gerontomorphosis gliomatosis gliosis gnosis gnotobiosis gomphosis granulosis gummosis haematosis haemochromatosis halitosis hallucinosis haplosis heliosis hemochromatosis heterokaryosis heterosis heterozygosis hidrosis histoplasmosis homeosis homoeosis homomorphosis homozygosis hydrarthrosis hydronephrosis hyperhidrosis hyperidrosis hyperinosis hyperkeratosis hyperostosis hypersarcosis hypervitaminosis hypinosis hypnosis hypotyposis ichthyosis immunodiagnosis kaolinosis kenosis keratosis ketosis kurtosis kyllosis kyphosis leishmaniosis leptospirosis leucocytosis leucosis leukocytosis leukosis limosis lipomatosis listeriosis lordosis lymphocytosis lymphogranulomatosis lymphomatosis macrocytosis madarosis marmarosis meiosis melanosis metachrosis metamorphosis metasomatosis metempsychosis miosis misdiagnosis mitosis molybdenosis molybdosis monocytosis mononucleosis monosis morphosis mucoviscidosis mycosis mycotoxicosis myelofibrosis myosis myxomatosis narcohypnosis narcosis necrobiosis necrosis nephroptosis nephrosis neurofibromatosis neurosis onychocryptosis ornithosis orthosis osmidrosis osmosis osteoarthrosis osteopetrosis osteoporosis osteosis ostosis otosclerosis paedomorphosis parabiosis paragnosis paraphimosis parapsychosis parasitosis pediculosis pedomorphosis phagocytosis phimosis phlebosclerosis pholidosis phytosis pinocytosis pneumoconiosis pneumokoniosis pneumonokoniosis pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis podoconiosis pollenosis pollinosis polyhedrosis polyposis porosis prognosis proptosis pseudotuberculosis psilosis psittacosis psychoneurosis psychosis pterylosis ptilosis ptosis pycnodysostosis pycnosis pyknodysostosis pyknosis pyosis pyrosis resinosis salmonellosis sarcoidosis sarcomatosis sclerosis scoliosis semiosis serodiagnosis shigellosis siderosis silicosis sorosis spherocytosis spirillosis spirochaetosis spirochetosis spondylosis sporotrichosis steatosis stegnosis stenosis strongyloidosis strongylosis sycosis symbiosis symptosis synarthrosis synchondrosis syndesmosis synoeciosis synostosis syntenosis syssarcosis telegnosis thanatosis theriomorphosis thrombosis thylosis thyrotoxicosis torulosis toxicosis toxoplasmosis treponematosis trichinosis trichophytosis trichosis trophobiosis trophoneurosis tuberculosis tylosis ulosis urosis varicosis vibriosis virosis visceroptosis whoosis whosis xanthomatosis xenodiagnosis xerosis zoonosis zygosis zymosis

What is the disadvantages of modern agriculture?

Evidence indicates, however, that excessive reliance on monoculture farming and agroindustrial inputs, such as capital-intensive technology, pesticides, andchemical fertilizers, has negatively impacted the environment and rural society. Most agriculturalists had assumed that the agroecosystem/natural ecosystem dichotomy need not lead to undesirable consequences, yet, unfortunately, a number of "ecological diseases" have been associated with the intensification of food production. They may be grouped into two categories: diseases of the ecotope, which include erosion, loss of soil fertility, depletion of nutrient reserves, salinization and alkalinization, pollution of water systems, loss of fertile croplands to urban development, and diseases of the biocoenosis, which include loss of crop, wild plant, and animal genetic resources, elimination of natural enemies, pest resurgence and genetic resistance to pesticides, chemical contamination, and destruction of natural control mechanisms.Chemical fertilizerscan also become air pollutants, and have recently been implicated in the destruction of the ozone layer and in global warming. Their excessive use has also been linked to the acidification/salinization of soils and to a higher incidence of insect pests and diseases through mediation of negative nutritional changes in crop plants . Use of fertilizers can alter the biology of rivers and lakes. Applied in either liquid or granular form, fertilizer can supply crops with readily available and uniform amounts of several essential plant nutrients. Fertilizers, on the other hand, have been praised as being highly associated with the temporary increase in food production observed in many countries. National average rates of nitrate applied to most arable lands fluctuate between 120-550 kg N/ha. But the bountiful harvests created at least in part through the use of chemical fertilizers, have associated, and often hidden, costs. A primary reason why chemical fertilizers pollute the environment is due to wasteful application and the fact that crops use them inefficiently. The fertilizer that is not recovered by the crop ends up in the environment, mostly in surface water or in ground water. Nitrate contamination of aquifers is widespread and in dangerously high levels in many rural regions of the world. Such nitrate levels are hazardous to human health and studies have linked nitrate uptake to methaemoglobinemia in children and to gastric, bladder and oesophageal cancers in adults.Pesticides can kill useful insects as well as those that destroy crops. The loss of yields due to pests in many crops. It is well known that cultivated plants grown in genetically homogenous monocultures do not possess the necessary ecological defense mechanisms to tolerate the impact of outbreaking pest populations. Modern agriculturists have selected crops for high yields and high palatability, making them more susceptible to pests by sacrificing natural resistance for productivity. On the other hand, modern agricultural practices negatively affect pest natural enemies, which in turn do not find the necessary environmental resources and opportunities in monocultures to effectively and biologically suppress pests.Use of chemicals on fields creates run-off, excess runs off into rivers and lakes causing pollution. Fertilizer nutrients that enter surface waters (rivers, lakes, bays, etc.) can promote eutrophication, characterized initially by a population explosion of photosynthetic algae. Algal blooms turn the water bright green, prevent light from penetrating beneath surface layers, and therefore killing plants living on the bottom. Such dead vegetation serve as food for other aquatic microorganisms which soon deplete water of its oxygen, inhibiting the decomposition of organic residues, which accumulate on the bottom. Eventually, such nutrient enrichment of freshwater ecosystems leads to the destruction of all animal life in the water systems.Per John Jeavons of, it kills or malnourishes the fungi and bacteria that hold the soil together, resulting in loss of topsoil, so the increase in yield is only temporary, and, like a heroin addiction, demands ever-greater inputs to sustain output, and eventually destroys the productive capacity of the land.

What are 5 words that have the prefix bi?

bi biacetyl biacetyls biali bialies bialis bialy bialys biannual biannually bias biased biasedly biases biasing biasness biasnesses biassed biasses biassing biathlete biathletes biathlon biathlons biaxal biaxial biaxially bib bibasic bibb bibbed bibber bibberies bibbers bibbery bibbing bibbs bibcock bibcocks bibelot bibelots bible bibles bibless biblical biblically biblicism biblicisms biblicist biblicists biblike bibliographer bibliographers bibliographic bibliographical bibliographically bibliographies bibliography bibliolater bibliolaters bibliolatries bibliolatrous bibliolatry bibliologies bibliology bibliomania bibliomaniac bibliomaniacal bibliomaniacs bibliomanias bibliopegic bibliopegies bibliopegist bibliopegists bibliopegy bibliophile bibliophiles bibliophilic bibliophilies bibliophilism bibliophilisms bibliophily bibliopole bibliopoles bibliopolist bibliopolists bibliotheca bibliothecae bibliothecal bibliothecas bibliotherapies bibliotherapy bibliotic bibliotics bibliotist bibliotists biblist biblists bibs bibulous bibulously bibulousness bibulousnesses bicameral bicameralism bicameralisms bicarb bicarbonate bicarbonates bicarbs bicaudal bice bicentenaries bicentenary bicentennial bicentennials biceps bicepses bices bichromate bichromated bichromates bichrome bicipital bicker bickered bickerer bickerers bickering bickers bicoastal bicolor bicolored bicolors bicolour bicolours bicomponent biconcave biconcavities biconcavity biconditional biconditionals biconvex biconvexities biconvexity bicorn bicorne bicornes bicron bicrons bicultural biculturalism biculturalisms bicuspid bicuspids bicycle bicycled bicycler bicyclers bicycles bicyclic bicycling bicyclist bicyclists bid bidarka bidarkas bidarkee bidarkees biddabilities biddability biddable biddably bidden bidder bidders biddies bidding biddings biddy bide bided bidental bider biders bides bidet bidets bidialectal bidialectalism bidialectalisms biding bidirectional bidirectionally bidonville bidonvilles bids bield bielded bielding bields biennale biennales biennia biennial biennially biennials biennium bienniums bier biers biface bifaces bifacial bifacially biff biffed biffies biffin biffing biffins biffs biffy bifid bifidities bifidity bifidly bifilar bifilarly biflagellate biflex bifocal bifocals bifold biforate biforked biform biformed bifunctional bifurcate bifurcated bifurcates bifurcating bifurcation bifurcations big bigamies bigamist bigamists bigamous bigamously bigamy bigarade bigarades bigaroon bigaroons bigeminal bigeminies bigeminy bigeneric bigeye bigeyes bigfeet bigfoot bigfoots bigger biggest biggety biggie biggies biggin bigging biggings biggins biggish biggity bighead bigheaded bigheads bighearted bigheartedly bigheartedness bigheartednesses bighorn bighorns bight bighted bighting bights bigly bigmouth bigmouthed bigmouths bigness bignesses bignonia bignonias bigot bigoted bigotedly bigotries bigotry bigots bigs bigshot bigshots bigwig bigwigs bihourly bijection bijections bijective bijou bijous bijouterie bijouteries bijoux bijugate bijugous bike biked biker bikers bikes bikeway bikeways bikie bikies biking bikini bikinied bikinis bilabial bilabials bilabiate bilander bilanders bilateral bilateralism bilateralisms bilaterally bilayer bilayers bilberries bilberry bilbo bilboa bilboas bilboes bilbos bildungsroman bildungsromane bildungsromans bile biles bilge bilged bilges bilgewater bilgewaters bilgier bilgiest bilging bilgy bilharzia bilharzial bilharzias bilharziases bilharziasis biliary bilinear bilingual bilingualism bilingualisms bilingually bilinguals bilious biliously biliousness biliousnesses bilirubin bilirubins biliverdin biliverdins bilk bilked bilker bilkers bilking bilks bill billable billabong billabongs billboard billboarded billboarding billboards billbug billbugs billed biller billers billet billeted billeter billeters billeting billets billfish billfishes billfold billfolds billhead billheads billhook billhooks billiard billiards billie billies billing billings billingsgate billingsgates billion billionaire billionaires billions billionth billionths billon billons billow billowed billowier billowiest billowing billows billowy bills billy billycan billycans billycock billycocks bilobate bilobed bilocation bilocations bilsted bilsteds biltong biltongs bima bimah bimahs bimanous bimanual bimanually bimas bimbo bimboes bimbos bimensal bimester bimesters bimetal bimetallic bimetallics bimetallism bimetallisms bimetallist bimetallistic bimetallists bimetals bimethyl bimethyls bimillenaries bimillenary bimillennial bimillennials bimodal bimodalities bimodality bimolecular bimolecularly bimonthlies bimonthly bimorph bimorphemic bimorphs bin binal binaries binary binate binately binational binaural binaurally bind bindable binder binderies binders bindery bindi binding bindingly bindingness bindingnesses bindings bindis bindle bindles binds bindweed bindweeds bine bines binge binged bingeing binger bingers binges binging bingo bingos binit binits binnacle binnacles binned binning binocle binocles binocs binocular binocularities binocularity binocularly binoculars binomial binomially binomials bins bint bints binucleate binucleated bio bioacoustics bioactive bioactivities bioactivity bioassay bioassayed bioassaying bioassays bioavailabilities bioavailability bioavailable biocenoses biocenosis biochemical biochemically biochemicals biochemist biochemistries biochemistry biochemists biochip biochips biocidal biocide biocides bioclean bioclimatic biocoenoses biocoenosis biocompatibilities biocompatibility biocompatible biocontrol biocontrols bioconversion bioconversions biocycle biocycles biodegradabilities biodegradability biodegradable biodegradation biodegradations biodegrade biodegraded biodegrades biodegrading biodeterioration biodeteriorations biodiversities biodiversity biodynamic bioelectric bioelectrical bioelectricities bioelectricity bioenergetic bioenergetics bioengineer bioengineered bioengineering bioengineerings bioengineers bioethic bioethical bioethicist bioethicists bioethics biofeedback biofeedbacks biofouling biofoulings biogas biogases biogasses biogen biogeneses biogenesis biogenetic biogenetically biogenic biogenies biogenous biogens biogeny biogeochemical biogeochemicals biogeochemistries biogeochemistry biogeographer biogeographers biogeographic biogeographical biogeographies biogeography biographee biographees biographer biographers biographic biographical biographically biographies biography biohazard biohazards bioherm bioherms biologic biological biologically biologicals biologics biologies biologism biologisms biologist biologistic biologists biology bioluminescence bioluminescences bioluminescent biolyses biolysis biolytic biomarker biomarkers biomass biomasses biomaterial biomaterials biomathematical biomathematician biomathematicians biomathematics biome biomechanical biomechanically biomechanics biomedical biomedicine biomedicines biomes biometeorological biometeorologies biometeorology biometric biometrical biometrician biometricians biometrics biometries biometry biomolecular biomolecule biomolecules biomorphic bionic bionics bionomic bionomics bionomies bionomy biont biontic bionts biophysical biophysicist biophysicists biophysics biopic biopics bioplasm bioplasms biopolymer biopolymers biopsic biopsied biopsies biopsy biopsying bioptic bioreactor bioreactors bioregion bioregional bioregionalism bioregionalisms bioregionalist bioregionalists bioregions bioremediation bioremediations biorhythm biorhythmic biorhythms bios biosafeties biosafety bioscience biosciences bioscientific bioscientist bioscientists bioscope bioscopes bioscopies bioscopy biosensor biosensors biosocial biosocially biosolid biosolids biosphere biospheres biospheric biostatistical biostatistician biostatisticians biostatistics biostratigraphic biostratigraphies biostratigraphy biosyntheses biosynthesis biosynthetic biosynthetically biosystematic biosystematics biosystematist biosystematists biota biotas biotech biotechnical biotechnological biotechnologies biotechnologist biotechnologists biotechnology biotechs biotelemetric biotelemetries biotelemetry biotic biotical biotics biotin biotins biotite biotites biotitic biotope biotopes biotoxin biotoxins biotransformation biotransformations biotron biotrons biotype biotypes biotypic biovular bipack bipacks biparental biparentally biparous biparted bipartisan bipartisanism bipartisanisms bipartisanship bipartisanships bipartite bipartitely bipartition bipartitions biparty biped bipedal bipedalism bipedalisms bipedalities bipedality bipedally bipeds biphasic biphenyl biphenyls bipinnate bipinnately biplane biplanes bipod bipods bipolar bipolarities bipolarity bipolarization bipolarizations bipolarize bipolarized bipolarizes bipolarizing bipropellant bipropellants bipyramid bipyramidal bipyramids biquadratic biquadratics biracial biracialism biracialisms biradial biramose biramous birch birched birchen birches birching bird birdbath birdbaths birdbrain birdbrained birdbrains birdcage birdcages birdcall birdcalls birded birder birders birdfarm birdfarms birdhouse birdhouses birdie birdied birdieing birdies birding birdings birdlike birdlime birdlimed birdlimes birdliming birdman birdmen birds birdseed birdseeds birdseye birdseyes birdshot birdshots birdsong birdsongs birdwatcher birdwatchers birefringence birefringences birefringent bireme biremes biretta birettas birk birkie birkies birks birl birle birled birler birlers birles birling birlings birls birr birred birretta birrettas birring birrotch birrs birse birses birth birthdate birthdates birthday birthdays birthed birthing birthmark birthmarks birthplace birthplaces birthrate birthrates birthright birthrights birthroot birthroots births birthstone birthstones birthwort birthworts bis biscuit biscuits bise bisect bisected bisecting bisection bisectional bisectionally bisections bisector bisectors bisects bises bisexual bisexualities bisexuality bisexually bisexuals bishop bishoped bishoping bishopric bishoprics bishops bisk bisks bismuth bismuthic bismuths bisnaga bisnagas bison bisons bisontine bisque bisques bistate bister bistered bisters bistort bistorts bistouries bistoury bistre bistred bistres bistro bistroic bistros bisulfate bisulfates bisulfide bisulfides bisulfite bisulfites bit bitable bitartrate bitartrates bitch bitched bitcheries bitchery bitches bitchier bitchiest bitchily bitchiness bitchinesses bitching bitchy bite biteable biter biters bites bitewing bitewings biting bitingly bits bitstock bitstocks bitsy bitt bitted bitten bitter bitterbrush bitterbrushes bittered bitterer bitterest bittering bitterish bitterly bittern bitterness bitternesses bitterns bitterroot bitterroots bitters bittersweet bittersweetly bittersweetness bittersweetnesses bittersweets bitterweed bitterweeds bittier bittiest bitting bittings bittock bittocks bitts bitty bitumen bitumens bituminization bituminizations bituminize bituminized bituminizes bituminizing bituminous biunique biuniqueness biuniquenesses bivalent bivalents bivalve bivalved bivalves bivariate bivinyl bivinyls bivouac bivouacked bivouacking bivouacks bivouacs biweeklies biweekly biyearly biz bizarre bizarrely bizarreness bizarrenesses bizarrerie bizarreries bizarres bize bizes biznaga biznagas bizonal bizone bizones bizzes