The Telugu name for dandelion is Simhadanti and is known as Kanphul (Hindi)
The above details got from
The Latin name for dandelion is Taraxacum officinale.
Another name for dandelion seeds is "dandelion clocks" due to their resemblance to a clock face when they disperse in the wind.
Yes, a dandelion is still called a dandelion even when it turns white. The white fluffy part that forms after the yellow flower matures is called a "dandelion clock" or "dandelion seed head."
The botanical name for herb Robert is Geranium robertianum.
The name "dandelion" comes from the French phrase "dent-de-lion" which translates to "lion's tooth," referring to the plant's tooth-shaped leaves.
Doddapatre Leaf
Pygeum is not a commonly known herb in Telugu culture, so it may not have a specific name in Telugu. It is best referred to by its botanical name "Pygeum africanum" in Telugu.
mani pasupa
The scientific name of the dandelion is Taraxacum officinale.
Dill is called Shatapushpamu, I believe, in Telugu... It is a herb that tastes a bit like Saunf, or Anise!!
Akhrot, Akroot is the Telugu name for walnut.
The Latin name for dandelion is Taraxacum officinale.
beri kaya is the name of the fruit in telugu.
Another name for dandelion seeds is "dandelion clocks" due to their resemblance to a clock face when they disperse in the wind.
The Tamil name for dandelion root is "உடல்ப்பூனை வேர்" (Udalpooonai Ver).