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We must remember that pH is defined as the -log[H+]. Therefore, 7.22=-log[H+]. By algebraic rearrangement, we get:




We can check our answer by plugging it into the equation for pH.


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1mo ago

The hydrogen ion concentration (H+) at pH 7.22 is 6.31 x 10^-8 mol/L.

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Q: What is H plus concentration when pH is 7.22?
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Is the pH of a solution of the concentration of H plus in the solution right?

Yes, the pH of a solution is a measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) in the solution. pH is defined as the negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration.

How many times does the concentration of H plus increase or decrease when pH drops from 7 to 5?

The pH scale is logarithmic, so a change of 2 units corresponds to a 100-fold change in the concentration of H+. When pH drops from 7 to 5, the concentration of H+ increases by 100 times.

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pH means -log10(H+concentration) so pH of a H+ concentration 3.6x10-9 is: pH = -log10(3.6x10-9) ≈ 8.4

What change shows a tenfold increase the concentration of h plus ions?

When pH value is decreased 1.0 unit, the H+ concentration is tenfolded, because -log(10.[H+]) = pH + 1.0

How does an increase in the cocentration of H plus affect the number on the pH scale?

As the concentration of H+ increases, the value of pH decreases simultaneously.

What is a measure of the H plus concentration in a solution?

pH is defined as -log[H+]. This means that if one knows the concentration of hydrogen ion in solution, the pH is simply the negative logarithm (base 10) of that. Similarly, one can find the pOH simply by substituting the concentration of OH- for the concentration of H+ in the aforementioned formula.

Which changes shows a tenfold increase in concentration of H plus ions?

its pH 2 ---> pH 1

What effect will decreasing the H plus of a solution have on pH?

Decreasing the concentration of H+ ions will raise the pH of the solution because pH is a measure of the hydrogen ion concentration. As H+ ions decrease, the solution becomes more basic and the pH value increases.

How does the concentration of H plus and OH- ions determine pH?

The concentration of H+ ions in a solution determines its acidity; the higher the concentration of H+ ions, the lower the pH. The concentration of OH- ions in a solution determines its alkalinity; the higher the concentration of OH- ions, the higher the pH. pH is a logarithmic scale that represents the concentration of H+ ions in a solution.

What shows a tenfold increase in concentration of H plus ions?

A tenfold increase in concentration of H+ ions represents a pH change of 1 unit on the pH scale. For example, moving from a pH of 5 to a pH of 4 indicates a tenfold increase in H+ ion concentration.

Associate pH numbers to H plus concentration?

A pH of 0 corresponds to a H+ concentration of 1.0 x 10^-0 M, a pH of 7 corresponds to a H+ concentration of 1.0 x 10^-7 M (neutral), and a pH of 14 corresponds to a H+ concentration of 1.0 x 10^-14 M.

What is the pH if the concentration of H plus ions is 4.5 times 10 to the -8?

if the pH is 4.7, the H+ concentration is 2 x 10-5