1 PM Eastern Daylight Saving Time (Australia) = 6 PM PST = 7 PM PDT
1 PM Eastern Standard Time (Australia) = 7 PM PST = 8 PM PDT
1 PM Eastern Daylight Saving Time (America) = 9 AM PST = 10 AM PDT
1 PM Eastern Standard Time (America) = 10 AM PST = 11 AM PDT
3 pm in western KY (Paducah, Bowling Green, Owensboro). 4 pm in Eastern KY (Louisville, Lexington, Richmond)
10 AM
Maryland is in the Eastern Time Zone (GMT-5), while California is in the Pacific Time Zone (GMT-8). Maryland is 3 hours ahead of California.
The time in London is 5 hours ahead Eastern time. If it is 1:00 p.m. Eastern time, the time in London is 6:00 p.m.
Market closes at 3pm Eastern time, which is 1pm Mountain time.
3 pm in western KY (Paducah, Bowling Green, Owensboro). 4 pm in Eastern KY (Louisville, Lexington, Richmond)
10 AM
It would be 4 PM eastern time.
Maryland is in the Eastern Time Zone (GMT-5), while California is in the Pacific Time Zone (GMT-8). Maryland is 3 hours ahead of California.
The time in London is 5 hours ahead Eastern time. If it is 1:00 p.m. Eastern time, the time in London is 6:00 p.m.
Market closes at 3pm Eastern time, which is 1pm Mountain time.
86% of Indiana is three hours ahead of California, and 14% of Indiana, at the northwest and southwest corners of the state, are two hours ahead of California. That makes the answer to the question 10 AM or 11 AM.
California is in the Pacific Time Zone, which is 1 hour behind the Mountain Time Zone where Utah is located. Therefore, if it is 1pm in Utah, it would be 12pm (noon) in California.
If it is 1pm in the United States (Eastern Time Zone), it would be 7pm in France (Central European Time). France is 6 hours ahead of the eastern United States.
Super Bowl I started at 1pm Pacific; 4pm Eastern.