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Plants and bacteria have cells with cell walls that give them a rectangular shape. The rigid cell walls provide support and protection to these cells. Additionally, the cell walls help maintain the structural integrity of the organism.

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Q: What has cells have cell walls that usually give the cells a rectangular shape?
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Why are cork cells in a rectangular shape?

Cork cells have a rectangular shape due to the deposition of suberin and lignin in their cell walls, which provides strength and rigidity to the cells. This shape allows cork cells to form a tight, interlocking pattern, making cork a good insulator and providing protection to the plant.

Why are onion cells rectangular?

Onion cells appear rectangular because the cells are tightly packed together in a regular pattern, leading to a uniform shape. The outer walls of onion cells are rigid and provide structural support, which helps maintain the shape of the cells. Additionally, the rectangular shape allows for efficient packing of cells in the onion tissue.

Is a plants cell shaped like a box?

Plant cells do not have a fixed shape like a box. They can vary in shape depending on their function and location within the plant. Plant cells are typically rectangular in shape due to the rigid cell wall that surrounds them, giving them a more structured appearance compared to animal cells.

Why are plant cells square?

Plant cells are not typically square, but they can appear square due to the rigid cell wall that surrounds them. The cell wall provides structural support and maintains the cell's shape, often giving plant cells a more defined and angular appearance compared to animal cells.

What is the difference between plant and animal cell?

Plant cells have a rigid cell wall, chloroplasts for photosynthesis, and a large central vacuole, while animal cells lack a cell wall, chloroplasts, and have smaller vacuoles. Additionally, plant cells typically have a rectangular or square shape, while animal cells have a more irregular shape.

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Why are cork cells in a rectangular shape?

Cork cells have a rectangular shape due to the deposition of suberin and lignin in their cell walls, which provides strength and rigidity to the cells. This shape allows cork cells to form a tight, interlocking pattern, making cork a good insulator and providing protection to the plant.

Why are onion cells rectangular?

Onion cells appear rectangular because the cells are tightly packed together in a regular pattern, leading to a uniform shape. The outer walls of onion cells are rigid and provide structural support, which helps maintain the shape of the cells. Additionally, the rectangular shape allows for efficient packing of cells in the onion tissue.

What is the general shape of a plant cell?

Plant cells generally have a more rectangular shape because the cell wall is more rigid. In contrast, animal cells have a round or irregular shape because they do not have a cell wall.

How does the shape of the plant cell differ from that an animal cell?

Plant cells are rigid due to their cell wall and are usually square in shape.

What do yeast cells have in common with plant cells?

Animal cells have no cell Walls and plant cells have a cell wall

What do plant cells have that animal cells dont?

Plant cells have cell walls, chloroplasts for photosynthesis, and large central vacuoles that store water and nutrients, which animal cells lack. Additionally, plant cells often have a rectangular shape due to the rigid cell wall structure, while animal cells have a more rounded shape.

How can you tell an animal and a plant cell apart?

Animal cells do not have cell walls or chloroplasts, while plant cells do. Additionally, plant cells tend to be more rectangular in shape, whereas animal cells are typically round or irregularly shaped. Plants also have large central vacuoles, whereas animal cells have smaller vacuoles.

Describe the shape of bamboo cells?

Bamboo cells are elongated and cylindrical in shape, resembling tubes. They are characterized by thick cell walls and hollow interiors which provide strength and flexibility to the plant. The cells are arranged in a vertical orientation within the plant, allowing for efficient water and nutrient transport.

What cellular features differentiate plants from animals?

Plants have cell walls made of cellulose, chloroplasts for photosynthesis, and large central vacuoles for storage. Animals lack cell walls and chloroplasts, and have smaller or absent vacuoles. Additionally, plant cells can differentiate into various types of cells as needed, while animal cells are mostly specialized and do not differentiate as easily.

Why are onion cells approximately the same shape?

Onion cells are approximately the same shape because they are packed tightly together in the layers of an onion bulb. The cell walls of onion cells help maintain their shape and structure. Additionally, the pressure exerted by neighboring cells contributes to their uniform appearance.