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You'll get a solution of sodium carbonate in water. People who work in photo labs do this all the time.

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what happens if you mix soda crystals and

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theres no flippin answer

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Q: What happens when you mix washing soda crystals with distilled water?
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What do you see when distilled water is added to washing soda crystals?

When distilled water is added to washing soda crystals (sodium carbonate), it dissolves the crystals to form a clear, colorless solution. This happens because washing soda is water-soluble, meaning it can dissolve in water to form a homogeneous mixture.

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No, distilled water is distilled water.

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Do crystals grow faster in tap water or salt water?


Do sugar crystals grow faster in distilled water or well water?

Sugar crystals tend to grow faster in distilled water compared to well water. This is because distilled water is purer and has fewer impurities that can interfere with the crystal formation process. Well water may contain minerals or other compounds that could affect the growth of sugar crystals.

When sodium chloride and distilled water solution is evaporated what is left?

When a sodium chloride and distilled water solution is evaporated, the water evaporates, leaving behind solid sodium chloride crystals. The crystals are the original salt that was dissolved in the water.

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What happens when you water a plant with distilled water?

it grows

Can rusting happens with iron nail when it is kept in distilled water?

Yes, rust happens to iron nail though it is kept in distilled water.

How can you say why you picked to know if tap or distilled water which of them grows sugar crystals faster?


What happens when piezoelectric crystals are kept in water?

Many piezoelectric crystals can be used in water with no issues.

What happens to distilled water if you add something to it?
