You have about 500 lymph nodes are there in your body. There are about 300 lymph nodes in your neck region only. It is not possible to remove them all. When you remove few lymph nodes, it does not affect your health adversely.
lymph glands
Bacteria and dead cells are removed from lymph within lymph nodes, which are small bean-shaped structures located along the lymphatic vessels. Lymph nodes contain immune cells that help filter and eliminate these harmful substances from the lymph fluid before it is returned to the blood circulation.
Bacteria and dead cells are removed from the circulatory fluid by the spleen and the liver. The spleen acts as a filter, trapping and destroying pathogens and old or damaged blood cells. The liver also contributes to this process by filtering out toxins and waste products from the blood.
The small filtering structures to which afferent lymph vessels carry lymph are called lymph nodes. These nodes are crucial components of the lymphatic system, where immune cells can encounter and respond to pathogens present in the lymph fluid.
The lymph nodes located in the underarm region are termed as axillary lymph nodes. These nodes play a key role in filtering lymph fluid from the upper limbs and breast area, helping to trap and destroy harmful substances like bacteria and cancer cells.
Anterior and posterior cervical lymph nodes.
Cervical lymph nodes are removed in a radical neck dissection.
The group of lymph nodes that are located along the sides of the neck are the Cervical Lymph Nodes. There are four that run along side of the neck.
The jugulodigastric lymph nodes are located in the neck close to the cervical nodes.
lymph glands
Typically, the sentinel nodes are axillary nodes. If you are having the axillary nodes removed, the sentinal nodes will also be removed.
The small oval structures that cluster along the lymph vessels are called lymph nodes. The nodes that can be palpated are the cervical, axillary and inguinal nodes.
the spleen and the lymph nodes
the primary concentration is in the cervical spine
If you have breast cancer and you just had your lymph nodes removed, a hospital stay is very important.
Cervical nodes