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Q: What happens to the relative humidity of moist air as the air travels over the cascade range?
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When light travels through the lens of a telescope, the lens refracts the light, causing it to converge to a focal point where the image is formed. The lens magnifies the image, allowing distant objects to appear closer and clearer. This process enables astronomers to observe celestial objects with greater detail and clarity.

Why is San Francisco not humid like New York?

San Francisco is always affected by the "California Current" or a cooling current that starts in British Columbia and travels south to Baja, which causes a cooling affect throughout California. Whereas New York is affected by the North Atlantic Current, which is one of the more powerful ocean currents pulling warm waters northward. SF cooling drastically reduces the relative humidity, whereas NY warming drastically raises the relative humidity.

How fast can light and sound travel?

Light travels at 186,000 miles per second. Sound travels at around 765 m.p.h., but that can cary a bit depending on temperature and humidity.

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It vibrates.

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They disperse.

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by means of moving

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Energy is lost

Does humidity travel up or down?

Humidity is the amount of water vapor present in the air, and it can move in any direction based on air movement and temperature changes. In general, humidity does not have a specific direction of travel but tends to disperse evenly within the air.

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If the ball travels off the back of the court in tennis, the point is awarded to the opponent.

How fast does sound travels in the air?

It changes slightly, depending on the temperature, pressure, and humidity of the air. I use the figure of 340 meters per second.

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What happens to the temperature of water as it travels through the water cycle?

It changes and stuff.