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I am no doctor but after i went skydiving for the first time and it made my thought process very strange for a few hours afterwards. i had little perception of time and my mind wandered as it would in a post-psychadelic state. when in fact i had experienced a prolonged adrenaline rush. interesting. nothing particularly "bad" or "good" about it. just different.

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9mo ago

After an adrenaline rush, the body tends to enter a "fight or flight" mode where heart rate and blood pressure increase, pupils dilate, and more glucose is released into the bloodstream. Once the perceived threat or stressor subsides, the body will start to return to its normal state as the adrenaline levels decrease. The physical effects of the adrenaline rush may last for a short period, but the body will eventually return to its resting state.

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12y ago

Exactly 3 minutes, 5 seconds and 2.314 milliseconds.

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adrenaline is a hormone used in "flight or fright" responses, i.e. fear. so a roller coaster can produce a surge of adrenaline. If you enjoy that, it can be called an adrenaline rush.

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Yes, you can get an adrenaline rush even if you are not active. Any stimulus that provokes the fight or flight response may stimulate the release of adrenaline.

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it is called an emergency hormone because during emergencies and when a person feels excited. It is secreted and therefore adrenaline rush happens, which refers to an activity of the adrenal gland in a fight-or-flight response, when it is releasing adrenaline (epinephrine).

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I believe so, yeah. Not the kind of adrenaline rush that makes you stop a car though.

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