The fuse will be blown off in case of any fault. But the circuit will not be isolated because of the presence of fuse in nutral line. current will still flow and the line will be so dangerous.
If the circuit is a single wire circuit and the fuse blows the circuit will open. If the circuit is a three wire circuit and the fuse blows in a neutral, then there is a possibility of the two circuits becoming in series with each other and if the load is not balanced one circuit can become overloaded. It is exactly the reason why in North America the electrical code does not allow the fusing of any neutrals.
The live wire is connected to the fuse to ensure that the circuit is interrupted in case of an overcurrent or short circuit, which helps prevent fires and electrical hazards. The neutral wire completes the circuit and does not carry any current in normal circumstances, so connecting it to the fuse would not offer the same protection.
You should never switch the neutral wire. The neutral of the appliance should be connected directly to the neutral wire leading to the service panel neutral bar.
A fuse is typically connected to the live wire in a circuit. This is done to protect the circuit from an overload or short circuit, as the fuse will blow or trip and cut off the current flow if there is an issue.
So that the live wire is isolated when the fuse blows. If a fuse was placed in the neutral, the equipment would still be live when the fuse blows.
The neutral wire from the chain switch is connected to the white wire from the ballast. They should be connected together using a wire nut to ensure proper circuit completion and safe operation of the light fixture.
The live wire is connected to the fuse to ensure that the circuit is interrupted in case of an overcurrent or short circuit, which helps prevent fires and electrical hazards. The neutral wire completes the circuit and does not carry any current in normal circumstances, so connecting it to the fuse would not offer the same protection.
You should never switch the neutral wire. The neutral of the appliance should be connected directly to the neutral wire leading to the service panel neutral bar.
The neutral wire and power wire are never connected together.
Because the white wire on a 120 volt circuit is the neutral wire that is connected to the silver screw on outlets and switches. It is connected to the neutral bar in the service panel.
A fuse is typically connected to the live wire in a circuit. This is done to protect the circuit from an overload or short circuit, as the fuse will blow or trip and cut off the current flow if there is an issue.
So that the live wire is isolated when the fuse blows. If a fuse was placed in the neutral, the equipment would still be live when the fuse blows.
Because the neutral wire only carries unbalanced currents. The hot wire carries full load currents. Answer for European SystemsThe above answer is only true for three-phase systems. In single-phase systems, the neutral carries exactly the same current as the line conductor. The reason for not placing the fuse in the neutral conductor is one of safety. For example, if the fuse were to blow due to, say, an overload current, then although no current could flow, the entire conductor would remain live and highly dangerous.
The neutral wire from the chain switch is connected to the white wire from the ballast. They should be connected together using a wire nut to ensure proper circuit completion and safe operation of the light fixture.
because current flows through live wire
prepare to fry
In most electrical devices the neutral wire is connected under the silver coloured screw.
In North America the neutral wire is never fused. This is because of the three wire circuit that uses a common neutral. If there are two loads connected across a common neutral circuit and the neutral opens a 230 volt supply will be impressed across both loads as they are now in series with the supply. If both loads were balanced then the voltage drop across both loads would be equal. Dropping 120 volts across each load. Where the problem arises is if the two loads are not balanced and voltage drop goes higher than the manufactures recommended voltage, then the connected device could burn out.