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a speaker converts electrical energy into mechanical energy also called kinetic energy some energy is also lost in the form of thermal energy.

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8mo ago

A vibrating speaker uses electrical energy to power its internal components, which in turn produce sound energy through the vibration of the speaker cone. The sound energy is then transferred as mechanical energy through the air as sound waves.

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Q: What forms of energy does a vibrating speaker use?
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What type of energy does a Speaker vibrating use?

Mechanical energy to electrical energy

What type of energy does a speaker use?

Mechanical energy to electrical energy

What is the use of the speaker?

A speaker converts the energy of discrete electrical impulses to the energy of sound waves in the air.

What kind of energy that a speaker use?

Mechanical to Sound.

What energy type do you use to create a circuit to operate a speaker?

Crating the Circuit alone would be electric energy and when the speaker is operating it would turn into sound energy.

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Energy comes in different forms that you can learn to recognize.Some forms of energy includes electricity, heat, and light

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Objects such as speakers, musical instruments, microphones, and even animals like whales and bats use sound energy. Sound energy is produced by vibrating objects and travels through a medium, such as air or water, to be heard.