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Ptolemy was the famous Alexandrian responsible for the most popular map printed from movable type in the fifteenth century. The Ptolemy's world map is a map of the known world to Hellenistic society written in c. 150.

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Q: What famous Alexandrian was responsible for the most popular map printed from movable type in the fifteenth century?
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He introduced movable type to Europe in the 15th century?


Who was responsible for inventing and perfecting movable type printing press?

The answer is Johannes Gutenberg.

Who rediscovered movable type in the 15th century?

Johannes Gutenberg is credited with rediscovering movable type in the 15th century, leading to the invention of the printing press and revolutionizing the way information was shared and disseminated.

What was a new machine using movable type?

The printing press was developed in the mid 15th century by Johannes Gutenberg. Gutenberg also invented a process for mass producing movable type.

What country was responsible for movable type?

Countries are not "responsible" when one person invents something. When Johannes Gutenberg was alive he lived in Mainz, in what is now known as Germany (But he would not have understood if you called him a "German".) but weas then part of the Holy Roman Empire. Certainly a western idea that movable type or even metal movable type was invented by Gutenberg. He may have invented a useable and practical application for movable metal type with Latin letters as the basis for printing but China was using movable wooden block characters hundreds of years prior to Gutenberg and tin movable blocks were used by Korean printers before him too.

What country was the first to use movable type?

China was the first country to use movable type in printing, during the Song Dynasty in the 11th century. It allowed for the mass production of printed materials.

What were the metal letters used to replace wood blocks for printing?

Metal letters used to replace wood blocks for printing were called movable type. This innovation, credited to Johannes Gutenberg in the mid-15th century, revolutionized printing by allowing for faster and more efficient production of books and other printed materials.

Who first invented movable type?

Johannes Gutenberg is credited with inventing movable type printing in the 15th century, which revolutionized the spread of information by making book production faster and more efficient.

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Who was responsible for printing the Bible using the printing press?

Johannes Gutenberg invented movable type, which started the Printing Revolution. He was the first to use movable type for printing, and printed the first Gutenberg Bible. See the related link for more information.

What is the arch of the mouth that is the movable arch?

The arch of the mouth that is movable is the mandibular arch, which is also known as the lower jaw. It is attached to the skull by a joint called the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and is responsible for movements like chewing, speaking, and facial expressions.

Who invented and developed the first movable for type for printing?

Johannes Gutenberg is credited with inventing and developing the first movable type for printing in the 15th century. His invention revolutionized the printing industry by making it faster, cheaper, and more efficient.