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The rates of convergence and age of the lithosphere are the two predominant factors that affect the descent angle at a subduction zone.

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3w ago

The composition and density of the subducted plate, as well as the angle of subduction and presence of any obstacles in the subduction zone, can influence the descent angle of a subducted plate. Water content in the subducted plate can also affect its descent angle due to changes in the plate's buoyancy. The surrounding mantle flow and temperature conditions can further influence the descent angle of the subducted plate.

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Q: What factors might influence the descent angle of a subducted plate?
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What are the three characteristics of a material that will affect its angle of repose?

The three characteristics of a material that affect its angle of repose are particle size distribution, shape of particles, and surface roughness of particles. These factors influence how easily the particles can stack and maintain their structure at rest.

What factors influence the angle at which surface winds cross the isobars?

The pressure gradient force and the Coriolis effect are the main factors influencing the angle at which surface winds cross the isobars. The pressure gradient force creates wind flow from high pressure to low pressure, while the Coriolis effect deflects this flow to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere. As a result, surface winds tend to cross the isobars at an angle as they follow the combination of these two forces.

What is the rate of descent of a plane that is traveling at 278 km per hour at a 12.9 degree angle?

To find the rate of descent, we need to calculate the vertical component of the velocity. We can do this by multiplying the speed of the plane by the sine of the angle of descent. So, 278 km/h * sin(12.9 degrees) ≈ 278 km/h * 0.224 ≈ 62.37 km/h. Therefore, the rate of descent of the plane is about 62.37 km per hour.

What factors other than latitude affect the distribution of biomes?

Other factors that affect the distribution of biomes include altitude, proximity to water bodies, prevailing wind patterns, topography, soil type, and human activities like deforestation and urbanization. These factors can greatly influence the climate, moisture levels, and nutrient availability in a particular region, ultimately shaping the types of biomes that can thrive there.

What is the bedding angle of sand underwater?

The bedding angle of sand underwater is typically around 30-35 degrees. This angle represents the slope at which individual grains of sand settle and align on the seafloor due to water movement and other environmental factors.

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The angle at which the subducting plate descends at a subduction zone is primarily determined by the age and density of the plates involved. Older, colder, and denser oceanic plates are more likely to subduct at steeper angles compared to younger, warmer plates. However, other factors such as sediment accumulation and plate geometry can also influence the subduction angle.

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