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Dr. David Coltman, an evolutionary geneticist at the University of Alberta, says that although the models of genetic drift predict the genetic diversity of the Mouflon should have been lost over time. The genetic diversity of the Mouflon has been maintained because "natural selection is more important to the evolutionary process than is commonly believed," according to Dr. Coltman. The extreme conditions of the island are thought to have prevented genetic drift because of the premium advantage the more genetically diverse mouflon on the island hold over their less genetically diverse cousins.

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Science suggests that the Mouflon population on the island likely maintained genetic diversity through a phenomenon known as the founder effect. This occurs when a small group of individuals establishes a new population, carrying only a fraction of the original gene pool. Over time, mutations and natural selection can contribute to genetic diversity, ensuring the survival of the population despite starting with limited genetic variation.

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Q: What explanation does science give about how the Mouflon found on an island in the Indian Ocean were able to maintain their genetic diversity under extraordinary circumstances?
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What are two ways that sexual reproduction helps create and and maintain genetic diversity?

Sexual reproduction helps create and maintain genetic diversity by: # The independent assortment of chromosomes during meiosis. # The random fertilization of gametes.

Why must allele frequencies in a gene pool always add up to 100 percent?

To maintain genetic diversity.

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Alligators and wolves help maintain biological diversity by acting as top predators in their ecosystems. They regulate prey populations, prevent one species from dominating the ecosystem, and create a balance that allows for a greater variety of species to coexist. Their presence contributes to a healthier and more dynamic ecosystem overall.

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Gametes are involved in sexual reproduction, which increases genetic diversity and adaptability within a population. This genetic diversity allows the organism to better respond to changing environmental conditions, thus contributing to the overall maintenance of homeostasis through adaptation.

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Having redundancy and diversity in nuclear reactors helps to improve safety and minimize the risk of accidents. Redundancy ensures that critical systems have backups in case of failures, while diversity involves using different designs or technologies to provide additional layers of protection. This helps to maintain the integrity of the reactor and prevent the potential for catastrophic events.

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