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One of the many possibilities is that the deadly fumes and ash can suffocate a person and or persons untli they die from lack of oxygen.

Another is that if they do not doe from suffocation the ash if in a high enough quantity can bury you alive because it can get as deep as 20 feet..

Also, pyroclastic flows are incredibly hot (they can reach temperatures of up to 1,000 °C) so the person would burn in a matter of seconds.

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11y ago
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4mo ago

Pyroclastic flows can cause severe burns, as well as suffocation due to the high temperatures and toxic gases. They can destroy everything in their path, burying people and structures under hot ash and debris, leading to injuries and fatalities. Evacuation is crucial when dealing with pyroclastic flows to ensure the safety of people in the affected area.

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14y ago

Pyroclastic flows are known to outrun cars. Which makes it almost impossible to outdrive/ outrun one. They are also knwon to take down houses. Tthey kill humans by taking you under, where yo cannot breathe, or you will get crushed by very large masses of rock, or possibly suffocate from the gas inside of it. Lon story short, do go near one, you will get hurt. ) =

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14y ago

If you are near the pyroclastic flow, you will most certainly die. The flows are fast and incredibly hot.

You can be crushed by the rocks and ash, burnt by the incredible heat, choke on the ashes, and the flow also contains poisonous gases.

So there are at least 4 ways the flow can kill someone, that I can give you quickly off the top of my head.

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8y ago

Primarily through heat. Temperatures in pyroclastic flows can easily exceed 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit and can be as hot as 1,800 degrees. Anyone exposed to such temperature will burn to death. The flows move fast enough and carry enough material that some people may be crushed by the sheer force, or buried under super-heated rock. On top of that, the gases in the flows may be toxic.

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12y ago

they burn anything and everything in its path

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Are pyroclastic flows felsic or mafic?

Pyroclastic flows can be of any composition, but are more commonly felsic or intermediate.

Does Krakatoa produce lava or pyroclastic flow?

Yes, of course Krakatoa has a pyroclastic flow. Every volcano has an pyroclastic flow, which can travel up to at huge speeds. Krakatoa's pyroclastic flow raced an amazing 200 mph over 20 miles of open sea. Yes Krakatoa has pyroclastic flows but not all volcanoes produce pyroclastic flows, only Mt. St. Helens type volcanoes usually composed of andesite. Kilauea for example does not produce pyroclastic flows because it is composed of basalt, the lava flows out easily.

Does a pyroclastic flow typically occur during a quiet eruption?

No, pyroclastic flows typically occur during explosive volcanic eruptions when hot gas and volcanic particles travel rapidly down the side of the volcano. Quiet eruptions, such as lava flows, do not produce pyroclastic flows.

Can rhyolite be pyroclastic?

Yes. It is not uncommon for rhyolitic material to form pyroclastic flows.

Does mauna loa have pyroclastic flow?

Mauna Loa is a shield volcano, which typically erupts effusively with flowing lava rather than explosively with pyroclastic flows. Pyroclastic flows are more commonly associated with stratovolcanoes.

What are the types of volcanic flows?

pyroclastic and convectional.

Why are lava flows not deadly?

Lava flows are generally slow moving, giving people time to evacuate. As a result, they do not kill as often as other volcanic hazards such as pyroclastic flows.

What were the secondary effects of Mount Etna?

The secondary effects of Mount Etna's eruptions include ashfall, lava flows, pyroclastic flows, lahars (mudflows), and volcanic gases released into the atmosphere. These secondary effects can impact local ecosystems, infrastructure, agriculture, and air quality in surrounding areas.

How is a pyroclastic flow stopped?

Pyroclastic flows are extremely difficult to stop once they begin due to their high speed and temperature. The best way to minimize their impact is through effective monitoring and early warning systems to evacuate people from the affected areas. Engineering solutions, such as diverting barriers or channeling flows, can also help reduce the impact of pyroclastic flows.

Are the hawaiian Islands a region or extensive pyroclastic flow?

They are a region. This islands themselves were formed primarily by lava flows. The volcanoes there rarely produce pyroclastic flows.

Does a pyroclastic flow typically occurs during an quite eruption?

No. A "quiet" eruption will produce lava flows. Pyroclastic flows generally result from explosive eruptions.

Only plinian and pelean volcanic eruptions features what flow?

Pelean volcanic eruptions feature pyroclastic flows, which are fast-moving currents of hot gas, ash, and volcanic rock fragments. Plinian eruptions also produce pyroclastic flows, but they are characterized by massive vertical columns of ash and gas rising high into the atmosphere.