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Does not reflect the evolutionary history of the organism.

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1w ago

Categories of protists based on how they obtain food do not necessarily reflect their evolutionary relationships. For example, some protists can switch between different methods of obtaining food depending on their environment. Additionally, the same method of obtaining food can be found in distantly related protist groups.

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Q: What don't categories of protists based on the way they obtain food reflect about these organisms?
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Why protists that obtain food by photosynthesis are so important for other organisms?

Protists that obtain food by photosynthesis, like algae, are important for other organisms because they are primary producers at the base of many food chains. They are a source of energy for organisms higher up in the food chain, such as zooplankton and fish. Additionally, they play a crucial role in the production of oxygen through photosynthesis.

Protists that decompose dead organisms like insects are called?

Saprozoic protists. They obtain nutrients by breaking down organic matter from dead organisms through the process of decomposition.

Is protists autotrophic or heterotrophic?

Protists can be either autotrophic or heterotrophic. Autotrophic protists are able to produce their own food through photosynthesis, while heterotrophic protists must obtain their food by consuming other organisms.

One-celled animal-like protists are known as?

One-celled animal-like protists are known as protozoa. They are eukaryotic organisms that can move and obtain their food through various means, such as engulfing other organisms or absorbing nutrients from their surroundings. Examples include amoebas, paramecia, and flagellates.

What is chemoheterotrophic by ingestion?

Chemoheterotrophic by ingestion refers to organisms that obtain energy by ingesting organic molecules produced by other organisms and breaking them down through chemical reactions. These organisms rely on consuming other living or dead organisms to obtain nutrients and energy for their survival and growth. Examples include animals, fungi, and some protists.

Obtain their food from dead matter?

Fungus-like protists obtain their food from dead matter. Protists are eukaryotic microorganisms.

What is a basic difference between protists and fungi?

One basic difference is their mode of nutrition: protists are typically single-celled organisms that can be autotrophic or heterotrophic, while fungi are multicellular organisms that are heterotrophic, meaning they obtain nutrients by absorbing them from their environment. Additionally, protists are usually motile, while fungi are mostly immotile.

How do unicellular get oxygen?

Unicellular protists, also known as micro-organisms, need oxygen to survive. They obtain oxygen by diffusing it across the cell membrane into the cell.

What do protista eat?

Protists have diverse feeding habits. Some protists are autotrophic, meaning they can produce their own food through photosynthesis. Others are heterotrophic, meaning they obtain nutrients by consuming other organisms or organic matter. Some protists are mixotrophic, combining both autotrophic and heterotrophic feeding strategies.

How do protista obtain energy and matter?

Protists usually obtain energy through photosynthesis, by ingesting organic matter, or by absorbing nutrients from their surroundings. They can obtain matter by ingesting other organisms or through the uptake of nutrients from their environment.

How do fungus like protists get nutrients?

Fungus-like protists, such as slime molds, obtain nutrients by engulfing organic matter and breaking it down using enzymes. They are heterotrophic organisms that feed on decaying plant material, bacteria, and other microorganisms. This process of obtaining nutrients is similar to how fungi obtain their nutrition.