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The sodium yellow D lines at wavelengths of 588.9950 and 589.5924 nanometers.

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Q: What dominant color appears for sodium street lamp?
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What color sodium nitrate in solution?

Sodium nitrate in solution appears colorless or slightly yellowish.

What is the color of sodium in aqueous?

The sodium ion, Na+, has no color. You can observe this easily by dissolving table salt (NaCl) in water. The water does not change color.

What dominant color appears for an incandescent bulb?

The answer is a blue-green colour.

What color is sodium sulfate in water?

Sodium sulfate in water typically appears colorless. When dissolved in water, sodium sulfate molecules dissociate into sodium ions (Na+) and sulfate ions (SO4^2-), which do not impart any color to the solution.

What element producer color yellow?

The element that produces a yellow color is sodium. When sodium is heated, it emits a bright yellow light, which is commonly seen in street lamps and fireworks.

What alkali metal is used in street lights?

Sodium (chem symbol = Na) Mercury vapor is also used in street lights. Low pressure sodium vapor street lights are amber/yellow in color, high pressure sodium lights are white and mercury vapor lights glow blueish white.

Is sodium lamp monochromatic?

No, sodium lamps are not monochromatic. They emit a broad spectrum of light, with a characteristic yellow-orange color due to the dominant emission of spectral lines in the yellow region.

What is the colour of sodium and potassium flame through a cobalt glass?

The flame color of sodium through a cobalt glass appears yellow, while the flame color of potassium through a cobalt glass appears lilac or pale violet. The cobalt glass filters out certain colors, allowing specific wavelengths to pass through, which affects the observed flame color.

What can be the color of Sodium Trichromate - Na2Cr3O10?

Sodium trichromate typically appears as an orange or yellow solid compound.

Is brown the dominant eye color?

No, brown is not the dominant eye color. The dominant eye color is actually brown, as it is the most common eye color worldwide.

Why the dominant color of a nonluminous flame on a Bunsen burner blue?

The dominant color of a nonluminous flame on a Bunsen burner is blue. Whereas, the dominant color of a luminous flame on a Bunsen burner is orange.