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it is interesting that i should bump into this question as I have just come into a little revelation about it. 'little' as i have not fully explored it yet. But here goes, the reference to the sun and the moon SMITING signifies an attestation to the workings of other powers at work in KingDavid's day which he undoubtedly witnessed. E.g in the time of moses when Israel was preparing to fight, barak or balaam either of the two called a prophet to place an enchantment against Israel so that they would loose.

do not forget that the old religions had already begun in those days as a result of the fallen angels discovering the mysteries and secrets to the sons of men in those days (Gen6 and expounded in the book of enoch). in the book of isaiah, it is mentioned that there are men who 'whisper and mutter' this refers to the enchantments that they chant in order to reach their goals.

now I believe strongly that david was not just getting happy on the harps when he prayed this prayer, he was speaking to the Chief luminaries - the sun and moon.. which had been the focus of pagans in old days even now, to lay up enchantments in them so that at sunrise the soul chosen will be affected or at the full moon or whatever phase they deem powerful, the soul appointed will 'GET IT!'

david, do not forget was a man of war and a man who confessed to the almighty teachings his hands to war! he knew how to fight natural and spiritual battles and this prayer is one of those times when he was addressing spiritual matters.

I hope this helps..


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1mo ago

This phrase is a reference to Psalm 121:6 in The Bible, which offers protection from harm both during the day and night. It symbolizes divine protection and guidance, assuring that one will be safe from harm under the watchful eyes of God.

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