A dry state refers to a location where the sale of Alcoholic Beverages is prohibited, typically due to religious or cultural beliefs. In such states, there are restrictions on the production, sale, and consumption of alcohol.
Dry ice, the solid form of carbon dioxide, doesn't melt (turn into a liquid) under ordinary circumstances. It changes state directly from a solid into a gas. We term this change sublimation, and dry ice is said to sublime.
Dry ice doesn't melt, it changes from a solid state, to a gas state, that's why it's called DRY ICE, there is no known way that it melts.
Definitions of key term:1. A significant or descriptive word. 2. A word used as a reference point for finding other words or information.So, to state the 'key term' of something means to simply point out the important points of it.I hope that makes sense. :)
When something is raw, it means that it has not been cooked or processed. It is in its natural state. This term is commonly used in relation to food.
what does the term change of state mean
That there is no water or rain.
A dry alcoholic is an alcololic who has stopped drinking, an alcoholic who has been 'dry' for a period of time.
what does the term change of state mean
That is the correct spelling of the term "out of state." When used to mean beyond the borders of a nation-state, the term may be extraterritorial or transnational.
The term "state of flux" refers to a state of continual change and uncertainty. It often implies a lack of stability and a dynamic or volatile situation.
in science, freezing means change of matter from a liquid state to a solid state.
London Gin is supplemented by the term Dry
Yes, you can freeze dry beans for long-term storage.
Gujarat was declared as a dry state in the year 1949.