The enterogastric reflex helps regulate the movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract. It inhibits gastric motility and secretion when food enters the small intestine, allowing for digestion and absorption to occur efficiently. This helps prevent the small intestine from being overwhelmed with excessive food.
the knee-jerk reflex
It is a disynaptic reflex
sucking reflex
Swallowing is a reflex.
The simplest reflex is a monosynaptic reflex, which involves only two neurons: a sensory neuron and a motor neuron. An example of this is the knee-jerk reflex, where tapping the knee causes a quick, automatic extension of the leg.
Slows the emptying of the stomach contents
the enterogastric reflex is actaully a trio of reflexes that inhibit the vagal nuclei in the medulla, inhibit local reflexes and activate the sympathetic fibres that cause the pyloric sphincter to tighten and prevents further chyme entry into the small intestine.
The phase you are referring to is the intestinal phase of gastric regulation. During this phase, the enterogastric reflex inhibits gastric activity in response to the presence of acidic chyme in the duodenum. This helps regulate the rate at which the stomach empties its contents into the small intestine.
No, a somatic reflex are the reflexes of the skeletal muscle movements. The gag reflex is considered to be an autonomic reflex.
Answer Reflex Angle
knee jerk aka patellar reflex is an example of a stretch reflex
The patellar reflex is a type of stretch reflex that involves tapping the patellar tendon to elicit a contraction of the quadriceps muscle and extension of the knee. This reflex helps to maintain balance and stability.
The reflex that causes an infant to close its fist when the palm is touched is called the grasp reflex.
Patellar reflex is an involuntary, deep tendon and myotatic reflex
The knee-jerk reflex is a type of stretch reflex, which is a type of spinal reflex. It involves the stimulation of sensory neurons in the muscle spindles of the quadriceps muscle, leading to a quick contraction of the muscle in response to a sudden stretch.
A reflex angle is larger.