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Comets are made of rock, dust, ice, and frozen gases. When comets approach the Sun, the frozen gases explosively sublime, forming the comet's coma (nebulous central mass) and scattering dust and ice into the solar wind. Lighter dust and photo-dissociated water molecules create the "tail" of the comet, which solar photons push outward in the direction away from the Sun.

Samples were retrieved from the comet 81P/Wild (Wild 2) by NASA's Stardust mission in 2006.

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8y ago
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7mo ago

Comets are made up of rock, dust, water ice, carbon dioxide, ammonia, and methane. When a comet approaches the Sun, the heat causes these materials to vaporize and form a glowing coma and tail.

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13y ago

a comet is just a big ball of burning gas.

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8y ago

Comets are believed to be composed of ice and dust.

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15y ago

rocks, dust and ice

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