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terminal moraines

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 8mo ago

When materials are bulldozed at the front of a glacier, they form a ridge-like feature called a moraine. Moraines are composed of a mixture of rock, sediment, and debris that were pushed and carried by the glacier as it moved forward.

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Q: What does materials bulldozed at the front of the glacier form?
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Materials bulldozed at the front of the glacier form a .?


Materials bulldozed at the front of the glacier form a?


What moraines are ridges of rock debris formed in front of a moving glacier.?

Ridges of rock debris that form in front of a glacier are called terminal moraines at the point that the glacier stops moving ahead.

What moraines form when rock material is dropped at the front of a glacier?

terminal moranies

How does a glacier help to form a valley?

A glacier helps to form a valley in two ways. When the glacier moves through an area, it scrapes the land and pushes dirt in front of it, making a larger and larger hole that eventually becomes a valley. Runoff from the glacier as it melts also helps, as it carries soil away from the area, digging out a valley.

When a glacier stops moving forward a may be deposited?

When a glacier stops moving forward, it deposits the sediment it carried in the form of moraines. Moraines are piles of rocks, debris, and soil that accumulate at the edge or front of a glacier. They can serve as markers of past glacier extent and movement.

What conditions are necessary for glacier to form?

Cold wet conditions for a glacier to form

What condition is necessary for a glacier to form?

Cold wet weather is needed for a glacier to form

How does a moraine form?

A moraine forms when a glacier carries and deposits rocks, soil, and other debris as it moves. These materials accumulate at the glacier's edges or are left behind when the glacier retreats, creating a ridge or mound called a moraine.

Is 'glacier' a noun?

Yes, glacier is a noun. "Glacial" is the adjective form.

When does a glacier deposit the sediment it is carrying?

A glacier deposits sediment when it melts or retreats, leaving behind materials like rocks, sand, and mud. This sediment accumulates to form features like moraines, eskers, and outwash plains.

What is a real tributary?

A tributary glacier is like a glacier to the side of the main glacier, oftem separated by a land form.