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Forte is loud. Rest & Piano is quiet in music

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9mo ago

In music, loud refers to a high volume or intensity of sound, while quiet refers to a low volume or intensity of sound. Dynamics play an important role in conveying emotion and intensity in music.

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Q: What does loud and quiet mean in music?
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What dynamics mean in music?

dynamics is how loud or quiet a piece of music is

What does dynamics mean in music?

dynamics is how loud or quiet a piece of music is

What does dynamics meen in music?

It mean's how loud or soft your music is... soft meaning quiet.

What does dynamics mean in music form?

Dynamics are the difference in volume in pieces of music. They can be a "p" which is piano, quiet. Or "pp" very quiet. Or "f" forte, loud. Or "ff" very loud. e.t.c. The music can have a crescendo, getting louder. or a diminuendo, getting quieter. Hope this helps!!!

What are dynamics in a music peice and examples?

Dynamics are when music gets louder or quieter. There are several different types of dynamics, going from quietest to loudest they are, Piano (p), Mezzo Piano (mp), Mezzo Forte (mf), Forte (f), Fortissimo (ff). Piano means quiet, mezzo piano means moderately quiet, mezzo forte means moderately loud, forte means loud and fortissimo means very loud. Also there are Crescendo's and Diminuendos(sometimes called Decrescendos). A crescendo is where the music gradually goes from quiet to loud. And a diminuendo is where the music goes from loud to quiet.

What does the word dynamics mean in musical terms?

The term dynamics refers to whether a sound is soft or loud.=]...+

What does the concept DYNAMIC mean in music?

dynamic simply means , type i.e loud ,quiet soft etc . Its the level of volume you play the instrument at. :)

What does volume mean in drama terms?

It means how loud or quiet your voice is.

What is the definition of forte-piano in music terms?

Forte-piano (fp) means loud, then immediately soft. It refers to dynamics (how loud or quiet notes are).

What does fourtay mean in music?

Forte means loud in music.

What element of music denotes its loudness or softness?

texture=amount of layers of music Timbre:what instruments are playing :)

What does it mean to disturb the peace?

AnswerIt means to make loud noises when it is quiet out.