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They took it down because it was inappropriate

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Q: What does it mean on ifunny when your work was eaten by a black hole?
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How long can someone live in a black hole?

You can't, if you call it in the black hole being inside the event horizon; that is if you mean inside the 'black' portion of the hole. If you say near the black hole, then it depends on how close and how much thrust, fuel and mass your ship has.

Where can objects orbit within black holes?

By "within" a black hole, I would imagine you mean within the event horizon. Such an object won't ORBIT the black hole - it will simply fall towards the singularity.

What does it mean on ifunny when your work has been eaten by a blackhole?

They took it down because it was inappropriate

What is a sellar black hole?

Perhaps you mean stellar black hole. Stellar means related to a star, so that refers to a black hole that results from the collapse of a star. Actually that's the ONLY confirmed way to create a black hole (other ways are a bit hypothetical), but the term is also used to refer to a black hole which has approximately the mass of a star - to distinguish it from the supermassive galactic black holes in the center of most galaxies, as well as the intermediate-mass black holes found in star clusters.

Do black hole suck in stars?

I am not sure what a "you stas" is. If you mean "stars", a black hole can indeed gobble up an entire star, if it gets close enough. Please note that we are in no immediate danger; the closest known black hole is at a distance of about 3000 light-years; but even a regular black hole at the distance of Alpha Centauri would pose no danger.

Related questions

What is a black hole's role of altitude?

Altitude mean how high the black hole is above something.

What does bucanero mean?

black hole

What will the black hole do to your solar syatem?

Nothing, unless a black hole comes very near to us. By the way, you shouldn't say "the" black hole, unless you make it clear which black hole you mean. There are many black holes.

Which is stronger black hole or neutron star?

Gravity is stronger in a black hole, if that's what you mean. It's in a black hole that space and time are distorted to such an extent that not even light can escape.

There is a black hole a the centre of the Milky Way so does this mean we are going to die?

No. You are going to die anyway black hole or not

Is there such thing as black hole the video game?

There is a game named "Beyond the Black Hole", so if that's what you mean, yes.

How long can someone live in a black hole?

You can't, if you call it in the black hole being inside the event horizon; that is if you mean inside the 'black' portion of the hole. If you say near the black hole, then it depends on how close and how much thrust, fuel and mass your ship has.

What is the percentage that a black hole will form?

well if you mean a black hole on earth then theres not really a good chance but if you mean in outer space than one already formed

What does it mean when light could not escape?

In the case of a black hole, the gravitational pull of the black hole is greater than the speed of light. Which means that the light is not fast enough to escape the gravitational pull of the black hole.

How expensive is it to explore a black hole?

If by "explore" you mean to actually go there, near the black hole, that simply isn't possible with current technology. The nearest known black hole is at a distance of 3000 light-years.

What does it look like in a black hole according to shorelchild metric equation?

Perhaps you mean Schwarzschild metric? I have never heard of the Shorelchild metric and cannot find anything relating to it. A black hole with a Schwarszchild metric is a black hole with no angular velocity (Non-rotational) and no charge. Since it's impossible to perceive a black hole it looks no different from any other black hole.

What altitude can a black hole achieve?

I am not sure what you mean; "altitude" is not something commonly associated with black holes.