If you are referring to weight:
A nickel weighs roughly 5 Grams. Therefore it would be about 91 Nickels per Pound
If you are referring to currency: 1 US Nickel is worth 0.03228305785 British Pounds (26th June 2012). This equates to roughly 30.97 Nickels in a Pound
24lb is 384 ounces.
A 2 pound bottle would weigh 32 ounces. This is because there are 16 ounces in a pound, so 2 pounds x 16 ounces = 32 ounces.
You would weigh about 1/6 as much on the moon as you weigh on earth if you were not wearing heavy equipment. I would weigh about 560 ounces on the moon.
Buffalo Nickels weigh 5 grams and are made of an alloy that is 75% copper and 25% nickel.
That is approximately 4 ounces
US nickels weigh 5 grams, which converts to 0.176 ounces.
From 1866 to date all US nickels weigh the same, 5 grams.
From 1866 to 2010 nickels weigh the same, 5 grams.
In the United States, a nickel weighs 5 grams. Therefore, a dollar's worth of nickels, which is 20 nickels (as each nickel is worth 5 cents), would weigh 100 grams.
Yes, a melon can weigh 14 ounces
2 ounces of weed would weigh approximately 56 grams.
I would weigh it by ounces, seeing how the Hummingbird is so small.
A nickel weighs approximately 5 grams.
A nickel typically weighs 5 grams.
48 ounces
A 1942 nickel weighs 5 grams.
Ounces are a measure of volume or weigh, not length.