You know what a rainbow is? Yes I thought so. Well a moon bow is excactly the same except it is from the moon. When the moon is in a certain position in the sky a moonbow is formed and it is white like the moon too.It is also very rare to see.
A moonbow is a natural phenomenon where a rainbow is produced by the light of the moon rather than the sun. It appears as a pale, white or silver arc in the night sky, often more subtle than a daytime rainbow due to the dimmer light source. Moonbows are best seen in dark, clear skies with a full or nearly full moon.
You can see one at Cumberland Falls in Corbin,Kentucky,USA, in Durham,North Carolina, and at Victoria Falls at the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe.
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A Moonbow lmao that kinda sounds stupid sorry but i saw one and yea i mostly called it a Black Rainbow cuz it had grey but the grey rainbow sounded stupid so i just called it the BLACK RAINBOW Enjoy =]
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Actually, you can see a moonbow just about everywhere! it is just like a rainbow, but instead of light reflecting from the sun, its just coming from the moon.
The cast of Moonbow - 2010 includes: Teresa Delay as Teresa
A "Moonbow"
It is called 'Moonbow' (lunar rainbow).
I read it back in the late 90s and I am currently rereading it. Great book.
A moonbow (also known as a lunar rainbow or white rainbow) is a rainbow that occurs at night. Moonbows are relatively faint, due to the smaller amount of light from the Moon. As with rainbows, they are always in the opposite part of the sky from the moon. It is difficult to discern colors in a moonbow because the light is usually too faint to excite the cone color receptors in our eyes. However, the colors appear in long exposure photographs. A colored circle around the moon is not a moonbow - it is usually a 22
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Rainbows are caused by the reflection, refraction, and dispersion of light from the sun interacting with water droplets in the atmosphere, so they are typically seen during the day when the sun is shining. In rare cases, like during a full moon, a lunar rainbow or moonbow can appear at night when moonlight is refracted and dispersed by water droplets.
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