A decillion dollars is an almost unimaginable amount of money, with 33 zeros after the 1. It would be virtually impossible for physical cash to represent this amount, as it would far exceed the value of all the wealth in the world. It's more a theoretical concept than a practical sum.
There are 8 "o" in the word "decillion."
My information is that it is decillion defined as 10 to the power 60; ie 60 zeros to the right of the 1 number. This is not necessary. A centillion is 10 to the power of 343. This is clearly larger than 1 decillion.
They look like blurs
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What will a hill look like on a topographic map? How will a basin look different from a hill?
2 decillion
What does 12 million dollars look like written
It is: 2,250,000,000 dollars
Undecillion 1DECx1000
After decillion, we have undecillion. After that, we have duodecillion. There are many large to list! See the list of numbers, which include some numbers after decillion at the link:
1000 million dollars?
A Decillion Sided Shape Is A "Infinihedfronihecatetradron" Its Long, How?
it does
A couple thousand dollars
No such thing smarty