A crayfish eye looks like a beanie baby animal's eye. It looks like a tiny little black pebble. The eyes stick out of the side of the crayfish's head.
A calcite crystal comes in a variety of sizes and shapes. There are some that do look like a diamond to the naked idea but you can tell that they are different if you look closely.
The anterior part of a crayfish is called the rostrum because it is a structure that protrudes from the head resembling a beak or snout, much like a rostrum on a ship. It helps the crayfish with sensory perception and sometimes functions in defense or capturing prey.
Crayfish are omnivores, meaning they are both an herbivore and a carnivore.
Girl look at my muscal
The uropods in crayfish function in locomotion by helping to propel the crayfish backward in water. They also aid in steering and stabilizing the crayfish while swimming.
Crayfish are related to small lobsters. Here is a link for pictures of crayfish. http://mackers.com/crayfish/pics.htm
Like a small crayfish.
The compound eye senses light.
A dragonfly is an insect with long, delicate wings and a slender body, usually with vibrant colors. A crayfish, on the other hand, is a small crustacean with a hard exoskeleton and a segmented body, often resembling a mini lobster. They have distinct physical characteristics that differentiate them from each other.
Crayfish look like small version of New England type of Lobsters. They live in fresh and brackish waters depending on the species. They will eat anything that is meaty, including worms, leaches, larvae or their specialty, sleeping fish.
I suppose you could call the crayfish the cousin of the lobster. Crayfish certainly look like lobsters. But they are fresh water animals and lobsters are salt water creatures.
It looks like a frogs eye but a bit bigger
paw paws, crayfish, or red sliders
Yes the antenna on a crayfish are there. But they are there to sensor things when the crayfish are moving. Sort of like a snakes tongue.
They have pink eye.
No, the crayfish is basically a miniature breed of lobster. Crayfish have exoskeletons like crabs and insects. That is what holds them together.